
Saturday, May 3, 2008

Pine Trees and Shadows

This is my backyard. We have quite a few of these very tall pine trees. They are so tall and thin that when it storms, they actually blow from side to side, which can get a little scary! Once during an ice storm, one of our younger pines, was so heavy with ice that it was laying on the ground. I thought that it had broke off, but it wasn't. A few days after the ice melted, the tree sprang back into shape. It's doing fine since, just a small arc in it's trunk. That was also one of our pines that was hit with lightning, that I showed a few posts back.
I like the way these gigantic trees cast shadows in my yard!


  1. You certainly have a nice backyard and the addition of a lot of pines should make the place smell delicious. I used to work in the White Mountains in Arizona and that place was covered with pine and other evergreen trees and you could smell it for miles in every direction.

    I like your photography and think your posts are both interesting to read and to study the photos.

  2. I like these trees because they are easy to 4 wheel around.

  3. That's a beautiful shot of light and shade.Really captured that just right

  4. Beautiful! Feels like home to me, and it isn't even close!

  5. Nice photo. Great capture of light and shadow. Thanks for your visit to Cheltenham :)

  6. Pine trees have that big old tap root -- they don't often uproot, they are more like to snap about 5 to 10 feet off the ground if the wind gets up to hurricane force -- maybe also for a lot of ice.

  7. You have a very nice backyard. When I think of pine trees I always think of all the needles they drop and what a mess it makes.

  8. Along the lines of Clueless, I also think of all the pine needles, but instead of thinking of the mess, I think of how slippery they are and how one can sort of slide along on top of them. Am I making any sense? Probably not!

    Thank you visiting my Villigen blog and leaving a comment.

    Z in Villigen


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