
Monday, December 29, 2008

Our Saviour Lutheran Church

Located in the Historic Bonsack District-Roanoke

I tried to get information on the church from their website, like when it was built but they only had information of what their church is about and worship times. I would have liked to know how old it is.

Sorry I haven't been able to visit. I fried my keyboard on Friday when I spilt my coffee on it, dumb! The last thing I wanted to do over the weekend was deal with all the Christmas exchange crowds so I waited till this morning and hit WalMart up first thing, no crowds!

And a movie recommendation: House Bunny...Oh my gosh, this was so silly hilarious, we laughed out loud, literally!


  1. Nice looking building. Glad you got your keyboard sorted!

  2. I actually saw House Bunny, but never made it to the end. It did have some funny moments.

  3. Glad to have you back. I like the brick & the columns on the building. Looks like you are having nice, sunny days. If I don't get a chance later, I wish you and your family a wonderful New Year.

  4. Sorry to hear about your keyboard accident! Totally understand avoiding the crowds...

    Thank you for your visits to Villigen in 2008. I wish you and your loved ones the best for 2009!

  5. At least keyboards are fairly inexpensive. My wife spilled some tea on her laptop and it got in behind the monitor (how I don't know I thought they were sealed), which is ok, but it now has a little design in the lower left corner. Happy New Year.

  6. Ya, keyboards and computers kind of go together like peanut butter and jelly don't they?

  7. It is a good photo...sometimes it is hard to find the information one wants about a building isn't it?

  8. I love photos of churches. Any church.

    I keep a spare keyboard just in case, lol.

  9. Sorry about the spill and the keyboard. My computer consultant told me if I clean my screen to cover my keyboard so nothing damp gets in them. He told me they are very sensitive. So I guess a cup of coffee would wipe the keyboard out...

  10. There are some beautiful churches around here. Have you seen some of the churches in Lynchburg? I went crazy, oohing and aahing. Spires, I think that's what they're called, way, way, way up in the sky. Incredible.

  11. This is a beautiful old building.


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