
Thursday, January 21, 2016

Kincer's Grocery

click on photo to enlarge
Webster Road

"The ca. 1930 Kincer Store in Webster on the former Salem and Lynchburg Turnpike
served the local community as well as employees of Webster Brick Company, now General
Shale Brick. The store is associated with an adjacent dwelling and is also located in front of the
N&W Railway tracks. The store has had several additions and is vacant; after the original owner
passed away, the new owner
was unable to continue its
operation because zoning
does not allow a commercial
operation so close to the
Taken from HERE

Linking with Signs, Signs


  1. I do. (enjoy Coca Cola)
    Good find for signs.

  2. That is a wonderful old time sign from a long gone era. A sad story about the closing of this store.

  3. The sign looks like it had been there from the beginning.

  4. Lovely old sign. Sad about it having to close.

  5. Love those old signs. This one especially!

  6. Oh that is too bad about the zoning. Love that sign. Hug B

  7. Love that old sign!! You find neat stuff!!

  8. Wonderful to come across old signs like this one!

  9. That sign has been through an lot over the years. How odd that there is no commercial building so close to the road allowed?!

  10. Well, that is a bummer. It has gone the way of all the mom and pop stores along Rt. 60. Here it is not so much the zoning but rather the places like big old Sheetz.


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