
Friday, November 28, 2008

SkyWatch Friday

A beautiful end to a perfect Thanksgiving!

For SkyWatch photos from all over the world, visit

Did anyone go out and brave Black Friday? If so, what did you get?
Have a great day!

One more thing:

A few days back I was tagged from D in Tuscaloosa and Rambling Round in Selma, AL

The rules of this Meme are:
1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write six random things about yourself.
4. Tag six people at the end of your post and link to them.
5. Let each person know they’ve been tagged and leave a comment on their blog
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.

So six random things about me, hmmmm:

1) I am a magazine junkie. I buy a new magazine everytime I go to the store because it has a pretty cover, then I barely skim through it when I get it home.

2) I love Disneyland. It's one of my favorite places to go. It is the "happiest place on earth". When we were leaving San Diego, I knew I'd miss my family, friends and Disneyland!

3) I want to learn to paint. I've always wanted to learn. When the boys started school, I was trying to find a class to take. Couldn't find anything until right before we left Georgia, I found a local woman who gave classes, figures. I've bought tons of supplies and books, but don't know where to start!

4) Today I am going to look up a "Potato Candy" recipe to use up my leftover mashed potatoes. My grandma used to make this when I was little and it was delicious!

5) I love quiet mornings when the kids are still sleeping. It's one of my favorite times of the day :)

6) I love antiques and old houses/buildings. I can spend hours on end going through an antique store or historic home/museum. I really feel a connection to old things!

Phew, trying to think of 6 random things is harder than you might think!

Ok, now to tag some friends :)
Crittoria-West Paris, Me

2) Mo in London

3) JM in Oeiras

4) Olivier in Evry, France

5) Laurie in So Pasadena

6) Lessie in Anderson, SC

Gramma Ann, I'll do your tag next! I fell behind :)


  1. Great shot. NO shopping here, not today. I need more football.

  2. Beautiful, Tanya!
    Haha, I DID go out to Black Friday this morning for the first time ever! Walmart was super-saturated and by the start of the sale at 5 a.m., was already out of what I wanted. So, we headed to Radio Shack downtown and found a pocket digital camera for a great price.
    Happy Skywatch!

  3. le soleil se couche sur cette fin de thankgiving. belle photo
    the sun lies down over this end of thankgiving. nice photograph

  4. Haha Jim, enjoy the games!

    Rambling, wow, you are back early! Glad you got something you are happy with!

    Thank you Olivier :)

  5. I love this photo taken from the porch of your home. No way will I do any Black Friday shopping! LOL! We'll spend time with family today ...we're celebrating Thanksgiving today instead of yesterday! Yummy!

  6. Gorgeous capture!
    Cheers, Klaus

  7. Intereseting little snippetsabout you. Lve the skywatch twinkle light.

  8. Love your pic.No shopping here.Gonna put up Christmas lights.

  9. Beautiful shot of the sun.
    I like early mornings best too - that's when I go on my daily walk. Great time of the day to get some good skywatch pictures!
    No shopping for me. Don't like crowds!!

  10. Lovely photo of the end of the day!

    NEVER shop on Black Friday!

    Have a splendid week-end.

  11. Great perspective Tanya, I love that shot.

    Regina In Pictures

  12. Yes, Black Friday was GREAT! Walmart had what I wanted. I can't believe that the girl who couldn't upload a picture now has this photo blog. We missed you all yesterday. Hope all is well.

  13. Lovely skywatch!
    I did NOT go out of my house yesterday for black Friday. I'll do most of my shopping online.
    I love your six random things! Thanks for playing along.

  14. merci beaucoup, je répondrais dans la semaine.
    thanks a lot, I would answer in week.


Hi! I'm so happy you've stopped by and always enjoy your comments :)