
Thursday, January 29, 2009

Icy Morning

Yesterday school was delayed 2 hours because of icy conditions. While I didn't have ice at my house, just 10 minutes down the road at Braden and Dalton's school, the trees were covered in ice. This was taken at 10:00 a.m. and they still hadn't thawed out. The day warmed up but it still looked grey and misty all day.


  1. impressionnant, attention que les stalactite sur les arbres ne tombent pas sur les voitures
    impressive, attention as stalactite on trees do not fall on cars

  2. It's somehow magical seeing icy trees for me. Nothing but rain.

  3. Wow unbelievable the ice on the tree!!! :-0

  4. Icy trees are pretty (unless they start breaking power lines) I'm glad it warmed up there.

  5. Looks pretty think on the branches. I am sooooo ready for spring.

  6. Ice on our trees too, but the roads were clear. Looks a bit better outside today which will be nice for my drive down to Salem.

    Have a great day!

    The Blue Ridge Gal

  7. Wow you are getting a lot of cold weather. looks pretty though

  8. Very pretty, but ice would scare me if it's also on the roads.

  9. Grey and misty is what we are having the last days!... Gladly it is not cold and there are some small portions of blue sky now and then, but even so I'm getting fed up!... lol!

  10. That tree is magical all iced up like that. It's amazing the cold doesn't kill it..

  11. The ice on the trees looks beautiful, but it sure can cause many problems! Stay safe and warm.

  12. We have had almost the same thing up here, but not as much ice. More snow than anything. I don't mind the snow, but the ice I can do without. Nice pictures that you posted. Wish I had the time to do that when it happens. - Les

  13. Ice on the landscape can look really nice, but it's of course better if you don't HAVE to go somewhere!

  14. Brrrrrr... parts of southern Australia have had days on end of 43 + temps (that's celsius - so around 110 fahrenheit)

  15. Did the ice make a a lovely tinkling sound? That's what I remember most of the first ice storm I experienced in Maine.

  16. I may be tired of snow, but it's better than ice. That stuff is scary!

  17. Wow! This tree is really coated!


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