
Monday, January 5, 2009

Polar Bear Plunge

Last New Years Nick was in Charleston, SC. He had overheard a group of people talking about doing the Polar Bear Plunge on New Years Day and he thought "what the heck". Nicks like that. It turned out to be a very significant life lesson for him. He realized after dunking his body in the freezing cold Atlantic Ocean, that he can overcome any obstacle 2008 throws at him. He wanted to teach this lesson to the kids and walked them down to the creek on New Years Day. He told them that they can face any hurdle because they know they are strong. The boys were all excited about this new adventure. The girls (Ashlyn and myself) a little less so. I opted to be the photographer and since our camera is not waterproof, that meant I had to miss out on the the Polar Bear Plunge fun and stand on the river bank. Ashlyn became the official towel holder.

To give you an idea of how cold the water was, the temperature outside was a balmy 33 degrees. I don't know the exact temp of Tinker Creek, but Bucky's water trough had a nice 2 inch sheet of ice over the top. I did dip my hand in the creek, barely, because it was so cold!

Nick went in all the way, totally underneath. Christian ran in past his waste (twice, he's a maniac!) and Braden and Dalton went about thigh level. (we didn't want to shock their little systems!).

What will and determination those guys have!


  1. wow! good on the guys!


  2. those wild & crazy guys! That is so fun that the little ones wanted to do it too. & they'll always remember it & tell tales about it, as a collegue at work from Minnesota does.

  3. Yes, you need a bit of courage to do this! I have been more or less forced to icehole bathing during my frequent professional visits to Finland. There it's of course combined with sauna ... and whatever goes with it! The thing is to get quckly in ... and out! :-)

  4. Je dis BRAVO et comme pour magiceye : Brrrrr cela me donne froid, ,je vais aller me boire un café chaud.
    I say BRAVO and as for magiceye: Brrrrr it gives me cold, I am going to go to be drinkable a hot coffee.

  5. They are very game! Don't forget that until it freezes water can't get any colder than 32F (0C), probably warmer than the outside air! I think you are very clever placing your photos like that Tanya. You must let me know how you did it?- Dave

  6. Congratulations to all determined guys!

  7. I bet your kids will never forget that. Maybe you've set up a family tradition.
    That mosaic works really well..

  8. No way, no how.....very good for the guys. I am sure they can tackle anything that comes their way this year.

    Well done!

  9. I'm with you! I'd opt to be the photographer.

  10. Wow! I take my hat but i surely wouldn't do it! :-)
    The top left photo shows how cold it was outside! He looks so cute! lol!

  11. Great job, official photographer. That would have been my job too. ;)

    Your boys certainly all look happy and proud of themselves though.

    I must admit it, I don't get it. I think it's a guy thing. :)

  12. Brrrr, that took courage. In my much younger years I may have tried this in the midwest, Problem there is that it was always far too cold and all the creeks, lakes and streams were completely frozen over. This plunge is a great memory for your family.

    The Blue Ridge Gal

  13. et bien, ils sont courageux !
    allez hop un petit thé pour se réchauffer...

  14. wow! Are we not men?!!!

    Tanya, did you think putting that ad on my blog was in poor taste? My girlfriend thinks so. I just thought it was so bizarre it warranted a post. It is out for anyone to see. Curious as to your thoughts...

  15. I admire anyone willing to do this! I would have even had trouble watching someone do it. They are all so brave!

  16. I used to think what a lovely mom you were and what a great family you had but you send them in the freezing river! And they went. Mad! Lol!

    Here in Cheltnham they open the outdoor swimming pool (The Lido) on Christmas Day and New Years Day for people to have a dip. Lots of people go. I'll have to be the official photographer next year!

    Love this post, and the photo collage too :)

  17. I am so impressed! Not every family has such cool bonding activities! (Cool, literally as well. :) )

  18. Impressive!!
    Coming from Brittany where the water never goes beyond 68 deg even in summer,I still bow in front of your men!!!

  19. Great story. Love those pictures!

  20. I only have one thing to say..
    ARE YOU CRAZY!!! .....giggle...
    There is no way I would do that..Way to go guys! You are braver than me..I hope you had some warm blankets and hot chocolate waiting.
    (shhhh don't tell but it does look like fun)

  21. How could they stand it? I have trouble getting in a heated pool in the summer time. ;) I say to each his own....

  22. BRrrrrrrrrr!(rrrrrr!!!)

    Better those guys than me. I get cold in a pool in the summer! In California!

  23. That is not something that ever interested me to participate in.

  24. Tanya, I love this, creating family moments through a challenge. I think you might like to see this version of a Polar Bear Plunge, the Butterfly Girls are totally awesome!

  25. How much fun is that? And is that a KC Chiefs hat I see on your hubby?

  26. Nope I don't think I would like this but I admire people who can do this.

  27. I'm with you - I'd rather take the picure!!

  28. Wow....that makes me cold just hearing about it.

  29. They're CRAZY!! But, it does sound like a good life lesson. Good for them!


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