
Sunday, January 11, 2009

Red Bird

In the mornings, our yard is full of these pretty little Cardinals. But everytime I grab my camera, they've moved on to someplace else. I focus in, then they are gone again. I snapped this photo from inside my dining room. It's the closest I can get to them!

Looking for something good to read? A while back, my neighbor Country Dew over at Blue Country Magic recommended A Redbird Christmas by Fannie Flagg. I checked out the audio book, read by the author and loved it. I enjoy listening to audio books while I do my chores around the house. Even though it is a "Christmas" story, you really could read this book any time of the year.


  1. Those red birds are the symbol of Virginia (where I lived as a child) for me! I like listening to audio books while I iron!

    Btw, you guessed it on my mystery photo!

  2. There are always problems with birds -- they move so quickly! (Especially small birds.)

    But there are beautiful!

  3. The cardinal looks just great on the white fence! I don't think we have them around here.

  4. Love the bird with the fence, terrific picture.

  5. I LOVE cardinals!! Could you send a pair up here, please? I don't have any and I miss seeing them around the yard.

  6. Cardinals are a bird I would love to see in the flesh, but sadlly known in the UK

  7. I have the same problem getting pictures of birds. But the cardinal on the fence is great.

  8. Such a pretty picture, wish there were more Cardinals here. (I mean besides the ones playing football)

  9. I dream of such high color birds - they snub my part of the world.

  10. Very nice composition. I like the geometry of the white fence and the beauty of the red cardinal.

  11. We gets lots of cardinals at our feeders. Love watching them as well as the bluebirds, the chickadees and the bluejays.


  12. Love it! I haven't read the book however but Fannie Flagg is so funny.

  13. Lovely looking bird. Somehow I associate it with baseball, don't know why.

  14. Nice red bird, it's really lovely

  15. That is a cute bird. Looks great on the white fence.

  16. Yes, that is a great picture of the cardinal on the white fence. They are incredible. We see them all the time too. When everything is muted and monochromatic, beiges and greys in the winter and then there's this shock of red--what a wonderful thing! It's a hopeful thing.

  17. Your cardinals are as elusive as the band of raccoons that terrorize my home at night.

  18. I've never seen these. He's so beautifully red I guess it's how he got his name.
    Like you I enjoy audio books I once did the 14 hour drive from the UK back here with the first Harry Potter playing. It kept us all happy..

  19. You get some very pretty birds in your country Tanya. I guess that we do too but most of our native birds are in the bush, not the towns. - Dave

  20. With some birds, the only solution is a terrific zoom! :-)

  21. Always happy to recommend a book! Lovely cardinal shot. They are difficult to catch in a picture, though!

  22. The Cardinal sitting on the white picket fence is pretty.

    Leedra’s Photos For Fun

  23. Love the cardinal! My mom always told us when we saw a red bird we would have good luck!
    Also, Fannie Flagg is an Alabama girl and the author of Fried Green Tomatoes too. :)

  24. Wonderful shot, Tanya! Cardinals are one of the things I love most about Virginia -- having come down here from NH, where we didn't have them. By the way, you've been living in the South for quite a while now; have you tried fried green tomatoes yet? (How about fried okra? Chicken fried steak?)

  25. MK, yes to all the above :)
    My boys absolutely love fried okra!How about fried pickles and fried mushrooms!

  26. Oh and chicken fried steak, yum! That's one of my husband's families recipe so I inherited it when we married :)

  27. I haven't seen a cardinal in I don't know when. Nice photo. Glad that you got it.

  28. My grandmother loves red birds, she collects them. Even tho thru the window, pretty shot against the white fence!


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