
Thursday, January 22, 2009

Return to Fall

Because our weather has been so dang cold, I wanted a photo that warms me up. I had to look back through my saved photos and found this. This was taken the day we hiked the Appalachian Trail and this was on the way back to the car. It was a perfectly warm day! Although actually, today is supposed to be up in the mid 50's! Finally some warmer weather :)


  1. I love fall, it worked for me. I'm warmer! ;)

  2. Oh no... we need cold cold weather to kill off all the stink bugs... Missy ate another one and got all drooly on me last night.... stupid bugs need to be exterminated!

    The Blue Ridge Gal

  3. on trouve beaucoup de photos automnale sur les DP, retour de l'automne aux USA ?

    there are many pictures fall on DP, the fall back in the USA?

  4. Oh that's funny Olivier. I've just started browsing the CDP's a few minutes ago and haven't seen any fall photos yet but maybe it's because we are so tired of grey winter!

  5. I really do understand you, Tanya! It's not cold here but I think today is the ugliest day ever this winter, so foggy and rainy! Bahhh! I need sunshine too! :-)

  6. Since fall is my favorite season, I wish we really could return!

  7. Blue skies and green leaves. Wonderful!

  8. Never fear. We'll be moving into a new season in the blink of an eye. Meanwhile, it's nice to give the eye a green tidbit to nibble on.

  9. Very nice green there. I am surprised to see no snow in US

    Beautiful image

  10. The crossing sign looked so lonely... - Dave


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