
Thursday, April 9, 2009

They've Woken

Look what we found this afternoon at the pond...yep a snake. I don't know what kind it is, hopefully it's one of those harmless kind. Now I'm worried about my mama goose and her eggs, although she's down at the other end so hopefully the two will never meet!


  1. Can't hardly look at this picture! I HATE SNAKES.. ANY KIND.....

  2. me too Mint...I know there's supposed to be some good snakes, but I'm not sure about that! Sorry to scare you!

  3. Ewww! Great picture, but...Ewww!

  4. Uh oh! That can't be good!

  5. Good grief, that's a really big snake!!! I hope someone can identify it for you.

  6. Looks like a rat snake; they are a protected species.

    This photo reminds me of 5 grown men that I once saw chasing a rat snake with hoes and rakes for about 10 minuets. The poor thing was trying to run away. I told them it was harmless.

  7. Oh wonderful... this means the rattlers will be out and Missy, as you know, was bitten by one last summer... NOT looking forward to our dogs or us for that matter having to watch where we step again... GAWD I hate snakes!

  8. waouhhh il est magnifique, mais je pense pas que je serais reste pour faire la photo..

    waouhhh it is beautiful, but I do not think I would still do the photo ..

  9. oooohhhh no! I can't bear to look either! You need some lime, the white chalky powdery stuff to make a line around the goose (far away from her). They say snakes won't crawl through it. Don't know if it's true.

  10. Yuck I hate snakes. Hope the goose stays safe.

  11. That is a great idea D! I've always heard that works too.

  12. geesh...snake time.
    hope the geese will be safe and sound.
    maybe you will have to have a snake round-up and relocate them elsewhere? a thought.

  13. Yikes. Not my favorite critter when the weather warms. Gives me the creeps to see it!

  14. A beautiful snake. They are very important to the environment.

  15. Yikes! My worst fear! I hope the goose eggs stay safe!

  16. I will make a very quick comment and escape... I hate to see snakes! :-)

  17. That's an amazing shot. I hope you had a good zoom on that lens :)))

  18. We don't have snakes so have no experience of them. Best get more advice I think Tanya? - Dave


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