
Wednesday, June 3, 2009


When I took this picture yesterday I had no idea how this was going to play out. I noticed all these turkey vultures over in my neighbors yard so I went out to investigate with my camera in hand. I wanted to get a photo of the vultures to use on the blog and also wanted to see what the vultures were doing, if there happened to be a dead animal. It appeared they were just drinking from the puddle of water that our week of rain left behind. See the horse standing there? That's my neighbor's horse Cricket. She's the sweetest horse and loves to have attention. While I was over there, she walked up to me and I talked to her for a bit and petted her. I didn't notice anything wrong. A few hours later, I noticed my neighbor, her mom and her brother all out in the pasture, then I heard a gunshot. I ran out to see what was wrong and sadly learned that they had to put Cricket down. Apparently she was pregnant and gave birth overnight. Nobody knew because she was such a small horse. My neighbor just started a new job and didn't find her till she returned home from a full day's work. She noticed something laying out in the pasture, and it was the foal. It must have died shortly after birth. Cricket was unable to deliver the placenta and by the time my neighbor noticed, it was too late. When I saw her, only a couple hours before, I had no idea that she was so gravely ill. If only I had known :(

(a closer view of the birds)


  1. Although they may be considered ugly birds, I like vultures and they do a great job.

  2. I am so, so sorry about Cricket. That's truly awful.

  3. I know this is a fact of life but your story is so heartbreaking. At least you gave her some comfort in your companionship that afternoon. Even though you didn't know it was the last time you'd ever greet her, Cricket probably knew. I would imagine your gentle attention at that moment meant a great deal to her.

  4. Can't say anything... this is just too sad.


  5. Such a tragic series of events.

  6. Hi,

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  7. Oh my gosh that is so heartbreaking Tanya! I know you are feeling just terrible for not knowing what was going on. I'm so sorry.

  8. Oh, Tanya! That is so sad and so surreal. I'm glad you were there to love on Cricket for a bit before they put her down.

  9. What a sad story. A lost baby and mother. :(

  10. I'm so sorry about the horse, you had no way of knowing.

  11. That's a truly heartbreaking story. Poor Cricket.

  12. Oh my goodness, that is terrible! How come they didn't know she was pregnant? Where was the stallion? And I don't know how in the world they were able to shoot her. Did they call the vet? I'm sorry, it's just heartbreaking.


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