
Monday, July 20, 2009

Botetourt Farmer's Market

On Saturday morning we took a short drive down the road to visit our local farmer's market. They had a lot of great items for sale and we saw a few friends. The Black Twigs were there playing Old Time Mountain Music. It was a fun event with great music and nice people. The Botetourt Farmer's Market runs every Saturday through October.


  1. un marché en musique, c'est sympathique.
    a market in music, it is nice.

  2. They must be very good. It looks like a small fortune has been dropped into the case.

  3. Thanks for posting these photos... so sorry I missed this event. :-(

  4. I love wandering the farmer's markets. If not to buy fresh produce, then to see and hear the local entertainers.

  5. That is what our local one could do with - a bit of live music. Great fun!

  6. What a great series of images. Natural and fun. I miss markets and we just should have more music.

  7. Perfect! THAT's what our farmer's market is missing, MUSIC!


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