
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Pick Your Seat

(Front porch in Buchanan)

After she'd eaten the three bears' breakfasts she decided she was feeling a little tired. So, she walked into the living room where she saw three chairs. Goldilocks sat in the first chair to rest her feet.

"This chair is too big!" she exclaimed.

So she sat in the second chair.

"This chair is too big, too!" she whined.

So she tried the last and smallest chair.

"Ahhh, this chair is just right," she sighed. But just as she settled down into the chair to rest, it broke into pieces!


  1. I'd love to have a welcoming, comfortable front porch like that!! And really enjoyed your blog entry below the photo.

    Oh, and your watery post?------loved the summer fun, brought back memories of my youth.

    I always enjoy you visiting with me...thanks for stopping by yesterday.

    My Thursday Post Link: Nor-r-r-r-m!!!

  2. That almost looks like a rooming house with all those chairs! But it would a good place to sit and watch the world go by...

  3. Thanks for visiting my Sydney Blog.
    Those chairs look real comfy.

  4. Funny story, Tanya:) But I love the chairs on the porch - has something of a satisfying lazy day!

  5. I would love to sit "together" will you! Great idea for the theme this week.


Hi! I'm so happy you've stopped by and always enjoy your comments :)