
Friday, September 2, 2011

SkyWatch Friday

A summer sunset in Botetourt County.

To see skies from all over the world, visit Skyley!

Any fun plans for the long weekend?


  1. Beautiful. I have a list of to do;s, want to do and must do. I am hoping to spend it in my want to do list.

  2. I like the beautiful layers in your fine landscape and sky shot. A fine looking picture.

  3. Nice shot! love the mountains in the background. We are doing our annual labor day weekend Rumble in the mountains it's a biker get together. My husbands band plays at the event.Everybody camps out lots of fun and very very interesting.

  4. Such a pretty sky! I love pink sunsets, they're so soft and calming.

    I'm laughing because just as I was getting ready to write that we're spending our long weekend moving (more on that in a future post!), I glanced at the Captcha word and it's "unpacker!" That's what I'll be this weekend, when I'm done being a packer! :-) Too funny!

    Enjoy your weekend, Tanya - you doin' anything fun?

  5. Great shot with fantastic color.

    Darryl and Ruth :)


Hi! I'm so happy you've stopped by and always enjoy your comments :)