
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Watery Wednesday

We ended up at Craig Creek on Sunday and so glad that we went when we did since Monday just rained and rained. Nick made some Teriyaki steak and chicken skewers that we grilled at the creek then later that night we had a crab boil. It was a pretty good summer send off.

As you can see, Ozzy had a pretty great day too!

To see more pictures starring water, head over to Watery Wednesday!


  1. I didn't get a boil in before I left Jackson. I don't think they have stuff like that up here in Canada! :)
    Nice shot of the water.

  2. What a wonderful way to end summer! Ozzy has the right idea, too!!

  3. halcyon, we just use crab, shrimp, potatoes, sausage and corn...we don't use crawfish up here as i don't think they sell it anywhere.

  4. that sounds like a fun summer! thanks for dropping by my take. have a great day ahead!

  5. That's a great picture of Ozzy enjoying the creek. I'm glad you had a great summer send off.

  6. Ozzy makes a great bounding and very wet dog having great fun in the water. It makes a fine water shot.

  7. What a lovely dog and he has so much fun.

  8. It looks like your dog has fun in the water. Nice picture!

  9. That sounds like an absolutely perfect ending to summer.

  10. sounds like some good food... & Ozzy has the right idea =)

    happy week

  11. Your dog is gorgeous! Nothing like seeing a big dog playing in the water. :)

  12. Looks like a fun day for the family. Monday I took my dog hiking and she jumped in and swam in a stream at 4 different locations. Unfortunately since i go this route all the time, I did not take my camera,

    I saw your watery wed comment at work, but now kind of late to add to link. Will remember in future.

  13. ozzy had the best day judging by this picture

  14. Sounds like a great day for everyone!

  15. What a wonderful photo. Ozzie looked like he had a blast. Our dog doesn't quite to know what to do in water like this. :)

    And grillin' as well? Niceeeeee. :)


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