
Sunday, January 22, 2012

Ozzy Sunday

"Dogs are our link to paradise. They don't know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside
on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring, it was peace."
Milan Kundera

Is anyone having trouble with their font? blogger keeps changing it on me. I've had trouble yesterday and today with it.


  1. As always... boring is in the 'eye of the beholder'.

    "Time for my treat?"

  2. Love Ozzy....

    I find my font gets changed from how I originally set it, I think it happens when I copy something into my post and for some reason it permanently becomes the default font.

  3. ha birdman!

    regina, that's exactly what happened. just started yesterday. i've always been able to copy and paste and just yesterday and today it changed the whole font when i did....blah!

  4. Cute guy!

    I have not had any problems with fonts lately. Sometimes with commenting, but nothing yet with fonts!

  5. Tanya, Highlight entire test in your compose window and change font and size to be consistent with all text. I haven't had to go back to design and change, just when I am creating the post.

  6. thank you, that worked, now i have to mess with the size, it's so tiny...never had to go through all this before, what a pita!

  7. he's so adorable! i still miss our big rott mix, avis. our bb girl is rott mixed w/ border collie (as near as we know), but she lacks the brown eyebrows and throat coloration...

  8. rottweilers are such SWEET dogs! they really are a super family dog...we've owned quite a few over the years!

  9. I'm a total sucker for a dog photo, and Ozzy looks like SUCH a love! I totally love your quote - I hope you don't mind if I steal if for a FB post.

  10. Ozzy is a happy, handsome looking fella!

  11. At least I can leave a comment on your blog. Blogger has been a disaster lately.

    Love the quote and the pup!

  12. What a great photo of this beautiful dog!
    YEs, I keep having trouble with Blogger fonts... Annoying!

  13. I am always amazed at the patience found in dogs. I have had a lot of dogs over the 77 years I have been alive and I loved all of them and I think they love me as much.

  14. My font seems ok. Ozzy looks like a great companion.

  15. great entry. love his books.

    please have a good new week ahead.

    (no trouble with font, yet was not able to comment on various sites. wishing you patience and a soon solution.)

  16. Lovely animal and I'm jealous!

    No trouble with the font, but have had other issues with Blogger! I think it's gotten worse since Google took over.

  17. Blogger is always messing up what ain't broke. Like Facebook.

    My daughter just adopted a dog!

  18. Ozzy is a great looking boy... but someone I wouldn't want to mess with. We have a Chocolate lab and he loves everyone ... a little too much but he's a lab lol Awesome shot of Ozzy ....


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