
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Black & White Wednesday

The olde spring house from what's left of the Blue Ridge Resort...built before the Civil War. I'm really diggin' this Black and White meme! Play along or just click the tab to view other entries :)

Black and White Wednesday


  1. Cool shot!

    We are having a black and white photo contest over at my blog.

    You should enter!

  2. great shot! nice mix of darks and lights!

  3. An interesting black and white with stark contrasts. I like B&W very much...I probably should check out this meme.

  4. Yes, great composition, really creative, I like the lights, shadows and shapes.

  5. Love this - makes me want to go exploring!

  6. Well done, you have quite a knack for B&W!

  7. Ooohh, perfect subject for B&W! :)

  8. What a wonderful shot, Tanya. I like it so much in black and white. It worked out beautifully in that medium. I tried to click on your link on the “like christmas ~ black and white wednesday "meme, but it would not work. Go in and see if it will work for you. Of course, I knew how to find you. Hope all is well with you all. Bud and I are off to Asheville tomorrow morning. I am going to my closest and dearest friend’s to help her pack to leave her home. 2 strokes and serious RA has left her unable to live any longer in her home. She is going to WI to live with her daughter. I am devastated and all I do is cry. It is just so sad. My principal has really been kind and told me to go and stay as long as I need to. 50 years of sister like friendship. Eloise is named for her and my Gene is her Godson. Our children grew up as on family of 7. We lived across the street from one another. I am not commenting much because I just cannot do it. I have posted my pictures but that is about it. I saw your beautiful barn below and it is a great capture. You are getting better and better with you photography. Will be home Monday...will be back in touch. genie


Hi! I'm so happy you've stopped by and always enjoy your comments :)