
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Rural Thursday - Blog Hop # 5

This is a bit of a strange submission. My little local blogging pal Diane over @ Blue Ridge Gal was telling me on Sunday that she was in search of a grave for "Find A Grave". We were looking for something to do that day because it was too nice to be stuck inside so I thought that I should also do a "Find a Grave" search. I'm a big user of Find a Grave for genealogy and have submitted some photos for fellow genealogists and have had others return the favor. It's a great tool if you love genealogy like me! (you can find a link to find a grave on my genealogy blog, in the sidebar)...soooo anyhoooo...we had decided to go across the road to Greenfield to hike around and let Ozzy get some exploring time. Amersterdam cemetery is easy to get to from Greenfield so I gathered the names that people were looking for in Amersterdam and we headed out. When we first opened the gate to walk into the cemtery, the first thing we notice is this pile of bones:

oh well, just a dead animal....then we proceed to hunt down the names on my list...very hard to do since nobody has taken care of this poor little cemetery in a very long time...there were very prickly vines that kept sticking onto our pants and shoes and the brown grass was grown over the graves making it very hard to find them.....we continue until we get to the other side of the small graveyard and find this:

This poor deer managed to somehow get both its back legs stuck into the wrought iron fencing. It was a very sad thing to see. I didn't zoom in on the deer as I felt kind of strange taking its picture, and yes, it is already dead, although it doesn't look like its been dead then we decide we've done enough grave searching because we just can't meander through the cemetery very easily and having no luck and we stumble upon this:

yes, another pile of bones...and this is the very last picture I was able to capture at the Amsterdam cemetery because my camera then froze. It wouldn't do a thing. I couldn't turn it off, take pictures, nothing...and I had charged it before we left....soooo, I have now renamed this cemetery the Voodoo Cemetery! And that is my Rural Thursday, rural cemetery story!

For more ruralness, check out Rural Thursday!


  1. Nice pictures, but this place is creepy.

  2. omgoodness! That is so sad!! How tall is the fence? i really can't imagine that the deer couldn't clear it, it doesn't look that tall. i wonder if someone actually hung it there. Perhaps the other bones were placed there too. Very strange and sad. :(

  3. Que Twilight Zone music... weird! Sad for the deer -- I don't even want to think about it's last moments. Great post though, Tanya.

  4. i know, it looked weird how she was stuck on there and the fence is only about 3 feet high...poor thing :(

  5. oh, that deer must have died a terrible death! hate to see that!

  6. That is just spooky, all those bones, the poor deer and then your camera acting up! I don't think I would be going back anytime soon!

  7. 'Voodo Cemetery' seems to be a very appropriate name.

  8. That's more than just a little interesting....your jaunt to Amsterdam cemetery!

  9. I think your story...and photos...are QUITE spooky!!! Really strange about your, did it ever come back "from the dead?"

  10. There are lots of grave yards in KC. All the farms had their own graves for their family. So we have graveyards in the middle of shopping centers, backyards, and also in cemetaries. I like to explore old cemeteries. Poor deer.

  11. That looks like a really old cemetery. Or it hasn't been maintained in a while.

  12. Oh my word! Totally creepy stuff happening there. That poor deer... and you know it must have suffered..... maybe the voodoo bones did it? Great story, Tanya!

  13. I have to agree on the creep factor! But I'm thinking my teen boys are going to say Cool! when I show it to them :)


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