
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Barn Charm Tuesday

A buffalo barn at Hollow Hill Farm in Paint Bank.

They serve buffalo burgers at the Swinging Bridge Restaurant just down the road. The buffalo come from this farm. The restaurant really tries to push the buffalo on you, but we opted for fried chicken instead. I don't think I've ever eaten buffalo and as someone else mentioned from Friday's post, I too have a hard time eating something that was nearly extinct. Although buffalo have made a big come-back from near extinction, I still think their numbers are quite low. I read that there are about 250,000 in private and public herds in the US and Canada, which keeps them off the endangered list but still those numbers seem quite small to me!

Check out Barn Charm to view barns from all over the world!

Happy election day!


  1. I agree that eating something that was once nearly extinct would be difficult for me to swallow.

  2. Pretty fall colors! I don't eat burgers, except the veggie kind. But if they are raising these animals for food, I hope someone eats them at least. I'd hate to think that they were raised and slaughtered for nothing. :(

    1. actually i think that is one of their most popular things on the menu. i'm not sure what else they raise the buffalo for. i prefer to just go look at them :)

  3. Pretty scene! I've never eaten buffalo. I don't eat much meat.

  4. Good Morning Tanya! That is a beautiful picture. Those trees are so pretty and the rolling hills. Well I love my cheeseburgers but it would take me a bit to get my head and mouth wrapped around a buffalo burger. I could get a big old kerfuffle going here but I have issues with myself for eating the cheeseburgers. We hardly eat red meat any more but I can't give up a burger here and there.

  5. a pretty scene. i'm glad ranchers are raising them.

  6. They cross them with cattle sometimes and call them beefalo. I have eaten it and didn't see a whole lot of difference from beef. I like to watch them rather than eat them.

  7. ...Beautiful. charming autumn colors.

  8. Buffalo is a very lean meat...but it just hasnt caught on. I would order chicken too if I went there to eat!!

  9. What a beautiful, pastoral scene. I ate a buffalo burger for the first time in Oregon last year. It wasn't bad, but I did feel bad eating it. :/

  10. We passed a deer killed by a car this morning. They are very plentiful here and run out in front of cars all the time. I still hate hunting hubby is a it in his blood...but, I have had a small influence on him over 40 years of marriage. Now, he won't kill just any deer...he waits and shoots the older ones. But, I try to get him to see that they just want to live like him and me. I do eat hamburger...and chicken...and I buy leather things, so I guess that's kind of hypocritical, but it's kind of what you are raised to believe is right or not right.I still feel guilty though when we pass a cattle truck hauling all those eyes gazing through the metal strips of the trailer at if crying out for help. But a cheeseburger sure is good. What to do?

    Your picture is beautiful.

  11. Gorgeous! Great color in the background and I like the cattle in the foreground!

  12. This entire scene is just beautiful!

  13. It's such a beautiful scene! I had a buffalo burger once and felt odd the entire time eating it (I don't eat much meat in general anyway). It was a lean meat, but not sure I could do it again!

  14. What a peaceful scene! One of my sons recently tried a "bison burger." He said it was good!

  15. Oh I love this shot and a buffalo farm that is amazing. B

  16. How neat to see a big herd of buffaloes in the field and I love the color of the trees on the hildside! A wonderful photo!

  17. Wonderful.

    Please have a good Wednesday.

  18. I would have opted for chicken or something else on the menu, too! Gorgeous setting for a barn with the beautiful trees and buffalo herd!

  19. Looks like a lazy day at the farm.

  20. I have had buffalo, many years ago. Beautiful shot of this farm.

  21. I eat meat but some things I just don't feel I can go. Buffalo is one of them. Can't really give a good reason.
    They live on a lovely farm nestled there in your mountains!

  22. I love the colors in the trees. Lovely picture.

  23. Seems small to me too. Lovely colors—both the barn and the trees.

  24. What a lovely scene! The trees are beautiful and I like seeing the buffalo all takin' it easy! :)

  25. I've heard of these but have never seen one. Nor have I had the opportunity to indulge in some Buff-burgers. :)

    Those hills and colour serve as a beautiful backdrop to the farm.

  26. Beautiful photo!! I've tried buffalo too, but I'm with you, and most others too. Something about it is off-putting. Especially here, seeing them all enjoying the day. I think I'd find it easy to switch to being a vegetarian. Also not a big meat-eater...

  27. I would have definitely gone with the chicken option too Tanya, just the same way as I'd never never eat kangaroo which is getting more popular here in Oz, and the kangaroo is definitely mot endangered, it's just the thought of it. Your barn shot is mega charming!

  28. so glad you told us about Paint Bank ... the hubby & i went there for part of our anniversary trip. the swinging bridge restaurant was just delicious.

    finally getting around to commenting on this barn charm ... away for a anniversary trip. big hugs. (:


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