
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Barn Charm Tuesday

Troutville, Botetourt County

Are you cooking or traveling for Thanksgiving? I'm cooking. I've been cooking our Thanksgiving meal for years now. Last Thanksgiving my mother was in the hospital and my brother, his daughter and grand daughter came and ate with us then took my mom a plate. We knew that it was likely she wouldn't be around for another Thanksgiving. We had no idea that my brother also wouldn't be around. 2 people will be missing this year. That's quite a lot for a small table.

Remember last week when I told you about that car accident and 2 teenagers were killed? Well Sunday another teen was killed in a car accident and she as well went to the same school as the 2 from last week. She swerved to avoid hitting a deer and ran off the road. This little rural high school and community has been through so much. Please keep them and the families involved in your prayers this Thanksgiving.

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  1. great barn. sure is long ... wow.. would love to see more inside. ha. ha!!

    wish you well on your Thanksgiving meal. hope it all goes smoothly & you enjoy it so. ( :

  2. That is an interesting barn! I wonder what it was used for. All the best for your thanksgiving day even though you are missing loved ones.

  3. Great shot! Good luck with the big meal.

  4. Love the weathered wood! The picnic table adds a little rural charm.
    Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving! It may be a small table but may your hearts be full with wonderful memories.

  5. Another lovely old barn. Happy Thanksgiving with your family and I am so sorry to hear about another tragedy.

  6. Thanksgiving in Canada was back in October (it's what used to be Columbus day in the US). I didn't celebrate that TG and I won't be cooking a turkey on a worknight for only 2 people this year to celebrate the *real* TG. I'm a little sad about it though. Eat some extra turkey and dressing for me!!!

    PS: Your barn is very charming. :)

  7. That is one long barn. I love the rusty roof.
    I will be traveling to my daughter's for Thanksgiving.
    So sad to hear of another tragedy hitting the same small school.
    Even though there will be two empty places at your table I hope you will have a blessed Thanksgiving.

  8. i am sorry for the sadness you will feel in your own family and for the sadness within your community. hold tight to one another and all the blessings that remain.

  9. How I love this barn with a red roof! Texture of a barn is wonderful. It is old but has it special charm in it that you want to look and look at it.

    This is a very beautiful picture of a very lovely old barn.

    Have a nice Thanksgiving!!!

  10. Lovely old's huge!
    I'm so sorry to hear about the sad.
    We will be out of town for Thanksgiving with our 2 children.
    I do hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving even though I know you will be missing loved ones.

  11. Lovely shot! It looks like a lean-to barn attached to the house. I like the picnic table under the tree.

  12. You and your community have had a rough year. I hope all the bad news is done and that Thanksgiving begins a year of hope and happiness.

  13. Your post made me so sad. I am sorry that you lost both your brother and mother. I don't think I could face the holidays this year had that been my story. I am heartbroken for you.

    So many accidents these days. We just had a twenty car pile up on our interstate here yesterday. There was construction work going on and there were cars stopped for the construction vehicles and an eighteen wheeler passed going 70 mph and plowed right over a car, dragging it 200 yards, the the other cars plowed into the back of that accident....I guess there were some passing like the 18 wheeler. They couldn't even tell if it was a man for sure that was in the car. The haven't released the i.d. yet.They think the trucker was on his cell phone.

  14. I love the weathered wood and red roof! I'm so sorry about the accidents and your holiday with 2 fewer family members at the table. I hope that fond memories will help you and your family have an enjoyable Thanksgiving.

  15. You have all been through so much in such a short time. I hope this Thanksgiving brings moments of peace and happiness too. (About 2 years ago, we also suffered a 2-person loss in our family within 12 months, sending many good wishes your way this season.)

  16. That is one big barn! I am staying put on Thanksgiving, hunkered down working on my final website project for my class. Sending you many positive thoughts for a happy Thanksgiving.

  17. What a neat looking old barn!
    I hope you and yours have a Happy Thanksgiving and I will be thinking of you and the families of those teens.

  18. Wonderful barn here, Tanya. Bless you for sharing the sadness you and your family and the families of those students must feel. I hope the coming together of your family and theirs over Thanksgiving period will bring some comfort in the sharing of happy memories.

  19. Hope you have a wonderful holiday with your family and that you can all share those precious memories of your loved ones that aren't with you this year.

    Very cool barn!

  20. Have a Fab Holiday Tan. I know you will, even with loved ones now missing.
    Lovely photo of that barn aswell

  21. So sorry to hear about the loss of another student. Always difficult.

  22. Yes, such wood looks and feels much patient. Yet shows that it has been through a lot. Always a safe road ahead.

  23. I think that I have seen that barn but came from the other direction if it is the same place. I think I crossed the tracks and then came back down a hill to get to it.

  24. That is one old barn! I like it! It has wonderful character!

    Sorry to hear about the other accident. That's awful!

  25. Nice old barn!
    Sad to have empty spots at the table. I'm cooking this year, and we're missing my mom, who passed 8 years ago, and also my son who is in the army.

  26. I'm terribly sorry, that community must be reeling from these tragedies. Unbelievable!
    Prayers going out for them & their friends & family! God bless them all & peace be with them

  27. That barn's a beauty.

    So sorry to hear there was another accident. So sad when loved ones are taken too soon. Hoping your family enjoyed the time together yesterday.


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