
Friday, January 18, 2013

Friday Fences & SWF - The Morning After

This is my backyard this morning. After all is said and done, we probably ended up with about 7 inches of the white stuff. The roads were a mess. People were stuck in ditches left and right. It took Nick 2 hours to get home from work, which is normally a half hour drive. The worst part was when he went to Kroger, a tractor trailer tried to pull in and got stuck and had traffic backed up in every direction. He couldn't get out. Was stuck there for about an hour and only 15 minutes from home. Trees were down because the ground was so saturated from the couple of days of rain we had before the snow. Lots of people were without power. Our lights were flickering a lot. Got the candles out and ready to go but luckily it stayed on. Most have their power restored by now.

Poor Ashlyn...she had classes yesterday starting at 9:30 AM till 3 then work from 4-midnight. She made it to work just as the storm was hitting. They decided to keep her overnight rather than have the next shift come in since the roads were so dangerous. She ended up having to work till 7 this morning. She made it home safely and is now tucked into bed and I probably won't see her until she leaves for work tomorrow. I'm happy she has nowhere she needs to be today so she can get a little bit caught up on some much needed rest.

The boys are all up and already outside playing, sledding and building snow forts. School was already scheduled out for Thursday, Friday and Monday so they are out of school anyway, no snow day...kind of a jip! I've got a crock pot of hot chocolate for them when they come back inside and they've asked for pancakes for breakfast. Sounds like a good morning doesn't it?!

If you want to read about our little snow storm, you can read it HERE in our local paper.

Today is a sunny 37 degree day and then into the 40's for the weekend so I don't imagine the snow will stick around long.

Christian is supposed to have a track meet today in Lynchburg at Liberty University. Waiting to hear if it's cancelled. The track is indoors but schools from all over, including North Carolina and Tennessee come to compete so I don't know how bad the roads will be for them to get here.

Well, I think I've caught you up to date lol...linking with Friday Fences and SkyWatch Friday

I was just reminded of another fun blog hop! My pal Dru over at one of my favorite blogs, Country Farm Home is the co-host of Country Whites Weekend which is held the 3rd weekend of every month. This is my first entry. Go check it out!


  1. Glad your family is safe,and hurray for the snow day!

  2. Oh, don't tell me! All we had were a few scattered flurries this morning.

  3. Glad to hear that Ashlyn stayed put last night. The roadways were horrible and trees and branches went down. Not a safe night to be driving. Love your photo today. Totally depicts the morning we had too.

  4. So worrying when members of the family are out in extreme weather this. But oh so much fun when everyone is safe at home and you can just enjoy the snow. I love being retired in the winter especially just to be able to stay home and watch it snow.

  5. Wow you did get it I guess I was wrong yesterday. It sure is pretty I would actually love some of or all of that here. It is bitter cold and green and brown not right.
    I am glad Ashln is tucked safely in bed and the boys are out doing what comes naturally. Have a nice relaxing day I hope the meet is cancelled so you do not have to worry so much. Hug B

  6. Isn't it ironic that something so beautiful can make for such ugly messes? Your boys have the right idea--get out there and enjoy while it lasts. Can I come for breakfast? Sounds scrumptious.

  7. Snow is pretty to look at if you can just stay in a nice warm room looking out the window. I think the only ones that appreciate snow are the kids and skiers/snowboarders

  8. nice. i love snow. makes it feel like "winter" is real. our snow is already melting away & it is 35 degrees ... nuts ... i was just getting to enjoy it. have a nice weekend. ( :

  9. Paul wasn't able to get home last night because of all the pile ups on 220. He ended up crashing at a friend's parents' house (the friend was unable to get home too, and they saw each other as they were turning around to head back into town).

    We didn't get quite that much snow. I think we got maybe 4-5 inches.

  10. beautiful snows! glad yours got home safely - even if later than expected!

  11. Lovely photo. Sorry to hear about the storm but it's nice to know that you are all safe. Happy sky watching.

    My sky.

  12. So glad the storm didn't do worse damage, though you guys went through quite a day/night, especially Ashlyn! Hope she's resting up and able to taste some of that delicious hot chocolate. Stay safe while the snow is there! Happy Weekend!

  13. Ohh my that is such a beautiful sight! Winter can be disruptive but so magical! It is snowing heavily here as I type, I wonder what the chaos will be like tomorrow!

  14. Beautiful picture of the snow!! I live in Ohio and we've had a couple of snow storms so far this season...but today is a beautiful sunny day in the low 30's.
    Visiting from the Country Whites Weekend.

  15. Hi Tanya, What a beautiful pic. You describe the kind of snow storms I remember growing up in Michigan. Now, here in Texas we get a little dusting each year and gone by afternoon. LOL But it is pretty and cozy while it lasts.
    Thank you for stopping by and your kind comment. I really enjoyed my visit.
    Have a great weekend.
    Hugs, Celestina Marie

  16. Gorgeous shot! Wow, you all had quite a day yesterday, though! I had heard on the news about all the snow out that way and wondered how everyone was faring. Glad your family is all safe and snug...a crock pot of hot chocolate. Yum! :-)

  17. Beautiful! Perfect with the sunlight.
    Have a nice weekend!

  18. Lovely photo and looks so calm unlike the day you have had. Much the same is going on here with the roads. I'm sticking close home, not by choice. Hope things improve and you are safe and cozy!!!!

  19. Beautiful! You got a lot more snow than we've had so far. Our last winter shot was freezing rain and sleet.

  20. Beautiful shot! I'm glad you all survived the snow :)

  21. You guys got more than we did, only 3 inches here but it was real crusty by morning and pulled the fence wires down. Glad to see grass this afternoon.

  22. What joy !!!

    Thank you for this wonderful image. Please have you all a good weekend.

  23. We didn't get any snow. It was all down south!

  24. Your photo is absolutely beautiful. I'm glad the storm wasn't any worse for you and your family, although I'm sorry about what it did for your husband and daughter. At least the boys are enjoying the snow. Hot chocolate and pancakes sound pretty good to me.

  25. That's a pretty subtle fence. I'm on Montana. We have a fair amount of the white stuff in the yard, too.

  26. Snow storms can cause so many problems. But when everyone is home safe and sound it can be so fun. And it can make for beautiful photos, like your's above!

  27. Yes indeed. I did think of your Ozzy at the sled races.

  28. Your back yard is beautiful with the snow! Glad everyone finally got home okay, I sure wouldn't want to have to drive in that stuff! Hot chocolate and pancakes sounds perfect for a snowy morning. :)

  29. Hi Tanya,

    Apologize me for being little bit late. I am your new follower beautiful photo. I love the sunshine between the trees.
    happy to be here.
    wishing you a beautiful weekend
    warmly from Rome

  30. Pretty!!! We did not get any snow this time in the Northern Shenandoah. Some folks were very disappointed but it was fine with me because we had a white Christmas and that will hold me for a while.

  31. Neat snow picture, Tanya!

    Last week our 7 inches went south. We ended up a dusting. We have had a few flurries yesterday and today. It's kind of pretty.

  32. Beautiful photo! So interesting to see what daily life is like for you who have "real" weather! And, seriously, what a jip - no snow day...


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