
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Downtown Pittsburgh - Sun Flare

While walking along downtown on our ghost tour, snapped this photo of the buildings and crane and liked the way the sun flare POPPED!

Made it through the last day of school yesterday. The boys' elementary school does a "5th Grade Walk". All the classes line the halls at the end of the day and the 5th grade classes make their way out of the school for the last time while the other grades cheer them and give them high 5's! It was quite an emotional thing to see. I shot a little video of it if you would like to watch :)


  1. like the flare! rather a cool tradition to send the 5th graders off. :)

  2. Cool photo! I like the idea of the "5th Grade Walk." Nice way to do that special day.

  3. That's a great idea to cheer the graduates. :)

  4. I love the sun flare - the colors are fantastic! The 5th grade walk is such a great idea - I've never heard of doing that, and now I'm wondering why...

  5. The sun flare is great! Those 5th graders are excited to leave that school behind!

  6. Wonderful photos and the video is just fantastic. Love the idea and the emotion.

  7. Wonderful shot and very nice little video!

  8. Neat photo! Congrats on making it through the last day of school! Let summer begin :)

  9. The only thing I remember with certainty about graduating from 5th grade was the ceremonial tossing of our notebooks into the air.

  10. Aw, how sweet - they move onto a new chapter after this. Also, your sun flare is glorious!

  11. That is a pretty snazzy sun flare!

  12. A real nice photo in Pittsburg, and the video was very cute.

  13. Ghost tour? You are one brave woman! Last days of school are always emotional for the upper classmen...poor little girls wiping their eyes!

  14. Spectacular popping photo and the '5th Grade Walk' is a great idea and tradition, very special!

  15. Aww, that's cool- I'll bet the kids are so proud to be done with that and on their way to 6th grade!

  16. I really like that sun flare! What a neat send-off for the "big kids!" :)


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