
Friday, June 14, 2013

Friday Fences - Heinz History Center in Pittsburgh

Inside of the Heinz History Center you will find this circa 1950 suburban tract house, representing
the "blue collar suburbs" and Renaissance Pittsburgh.

The museum was awesome and I'm always drawn to this era of American History. Seems like such an idyllic time to grow up.

Here's what the kitchen looked like:

My grandma and grandpa had a table like that in their kitchen when I was little. It's the only table I remember until around the 80's when my uncle remodeled their house for them and completely changed their kitchen. Of course my grandma LOVED the changes and it looked nice, but I still prefer her old kitchen that I remember eating family dinners in and on the weekends coming over for my grandpa's FAMOUS sour dough pancakes. I don't know whatever became of their old table, I'm sure they just hauled it to the dump but man, I wish I had the sense then to ask for it ha!

You can take a virtual tour of the whole museum by clicking HERE

Linking with Friday Fences


  1. Fine photo with texture and shadows. But the 1950s was not all that idyllic a time for kids. There was still demands for conformity, the cold war, threat of atomic annihilation, and the usual pressures on kids. It wasn't all bad, but not idyllic.

  2. To me, these places definitely need fences around them.

  3. very cool , almost like a disney exhibit!

  4. A nice shot of this "period" house. I like reading of your times at grandma's table.

  5. Gorgeous light, and a nice nostalgic memory too!

  6. wow, that looks like a cool place to visit. thanks, for the views. ( :

  7. It really does seem like such an idyllic time to grow up! It's neat that they have this in the history center.

  8. I love the look of this museum! I didn't realize the Senator had this as part of his legacy. What a fab blast from the past, I'm sure you had amazing memories. I also wish I had my parent's ancient Singer sewing machine and vintage metal/formica dining set from when they downsized/moved ages ago, alas!

  9. Well I'm old enough to remember such delights. Wonderful shots and how surprised was I to see that your top shot was from inside the museum. Fantastic!!! Have a good weekend, Tanya.

  10. we had a table like that in our pantry way. held all sorts of stuff like pickling jars, cat and dog dishes, veggies waiting to be canned, etc. :)

  11. I grew up in the late fifties and I do think it was idyllic. Sure the worlds problems were there like any generation but it was a slower paced life and simpler in many ways.
    I love that first shot!
    My Mom still has the only table we had. It has the typical chrome legs but actually has an oak top. I love it.
    Thanks for memories this afternoon.

  12. I love the kitchen. So classic Americana.

  13. I really like the old style kitchen too! The 50s do seem like an idyllic time with all the "stuff" going on nowadays.

  14. Am liking that turquoise and white tile. The cloth table cloth is like the one my mom had. I like the times because we had more dinners together and actually talked around the kitchen table. Didn't eat and rush out. Love the before kitchen

  15. Thats kinda like the kitchen and table I remember from being little, but mine would have my grandpa sitting at the table either smoking and drinking coffee or daring me to eat tarter sauce or peppers straight from the jar.


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