
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Barn Charm Tuesday - Peaks of Otter Winery

(click on photo to enlarge)

Another from inside the barn looking out. Peaks of Otter Winery. Gotta go school supply shopping today. School starts tomorrow. Yep, I wait till the very last minute ;)


  1. Nicely framed shot!
    Have fun with the school shopping. :)

  2. laughing at you waiting until the last day! :)

  3. If it wasn't for the last minute, nothing would ever get done. I see one good guy is giving his white horse a rest. Lovely photo.

  4. Nice peek through the window! Now have fun trying to find all those school supplies!

  5. Oh very nice peek!

    You may be late in school supplies.

    I heard on the news most of it has gone last month. Parents were already buying then as lots of back to school sales.

    I see this cute commercial . A girl was showing her mom an outfit going back to school and she said big girl now the Mom said almost in tears to her. In the meantime the Mom was really losing it as she was not ready to let her girl go back to school. Then there was still continued items the girl was showing her Mom on the commercial. It is really cute commercial. Maybe you have seen it.

  6. How cute! Love this shot :) My husband is a teacher and starts back to school tomorrow as well. Good luck with your shopping!

  7. That's a glorious shot!

    Tell me more about the filles du roi ancestors!

  8. We are on our second week of school and only got supplies last friday, but so what if we are a little late.

  9. I'm such a geek but I have great childhood memories of getting fresh new school supplies:) Exciting new season!

  10. The horse nicely. Our school starts next Monday. I hate school zones.

  11. Great framing job, and good luck with the shopping!


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