
Thursday, August 15, 2013

Signs, Signs - Floyd County Dry Goods

(click on photo to enlarge) Floyd County

This place is for sale now. Looking into it I found out that it was an antique store and the owner would also sell homemade baked goods, and fresh eggs and produce from local farms. On Sundays there would have been live Blue Grass Music and lunch cooked over an open fire. You could also bring a dish and stay for the picnic later. How fun would that be?!

I also found a BRIEF history on the place: "Before the Parkway was built this property was owned by the late Beulah Nichols. She lived in the house, using a back room with a side entrance for a grocery store and trading post. Her daughter was raised here and still lives in Floyd county."
(I told you it was brief!)

Linking with Signs, Signs


  1. Looks like a neat place like the photo

  2. A pretty building and I always enjoy the history, thank you Tanya! Have a great day :)

  3. Oh, too bad it's closed. Would be a wonderful experience being a regular customer there.

  4. Gotta a story about a drygoods store today... and Twain.

  5. Great old building - sad how this things get closed and sold and lost

  6. I enjoy to hear History as well. Thanks for sharing sweet old place.What a shame nothing happening there but we have one in my area. They the new owners fixed it up. It is now famous. It is called the Art Hive.

    Now running for atleast 5 years or more.

    I think I had it up in my first old pixs in Fall. I will have to look first.

  7. What a cute little building. It sounds like it's had an interesting past.

  8. Beautiful photo, beautiful light that emanates from this house, I really like.

  9. I put my easel up just down from the house at an old apple tree several years ago (not the best apples but I ate some) and painted a view that shows more of the front of the building. It sold at Black Dog Salvage awhile back. I was there just before the antique shop closed and there was still all kinds of stuff hanging on the porch and in the yard. I talked to the person at the shop and she said that traffic off of the parkway really dropped to where she had to close.

    1. I LOVE when you add to the story! i wonder what slowed the traffic?

    2. and do you keep photos of your work? i'd love to see it!

  10. That would have been the perfect place... Ones that die away...

  11. Beautiful looking place, love the colourful roof!

  12. I love it! How much are they asking for it?

    1. wow, only 98,000! here's the listing for it

  13. Wow, this house has such a history, and seems very interesting.
    Great sign post.

  14. Very cool. Years ago there were a lot of places like this (well, maybe not with bluegrass music on Sundays) ... my uncle owned a store in what was not much more than a crossroads in Kansas and he sold just about everything.

    I don't think we appreciated those stores then the way we might now, especially since some of us are so tired of malls with the same ol' chain stores no matter where they're located!

  15. I might have helped keep that place in business while it was open!

  16. Brief but still impressive you found it, what a glimpse a past life! Wonder if Beulah (love the name) enjoyed living there? (Oh I think the Oslo statue was basically a reflection on the crazy juggling act all parents perform when they have children:)

  17. Oh, how cool! It's a shame the place is no longer in operation. It would be fun to shop there.

  18. Too bad these kind of places can no longer survive. I guess they just can't compete with the big guys.

  19. It's so cute -- very well kept!

  20. What a unique place, it looks very inviting.

  21. Love those red roofs and the matching red letters on the sign!

  22. A store like that would be a big hit around here. Shame it's closed now. I wonder what happened to the lady? I guess she died.

  23. I hope someone buys it and gives it the TLC it deserves Tanya ..


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