
Thursday, September 5, 2013

Signs, Signs - Service Dog?

(click on photo to enlarge)

Saw this guy at Wing Fest downtown a couple of weeks back. Did they mean to say he was a "Service" Dog? We stopped to pet him and the owner explained that he was a rescue dog. He loved getting all that attention!

Signs, Signs


  1. It may be advantageous to have a dictionary and use it before getting a tattoo or writing on your dog.

  2. Maybe they were trying to dispel the prejudice that people usually have towards pit bulls. If he is a service dog, then he can't be a fighting dog. He looks like Petey from the Little Rascals with that circle drawn around his eye.

    1. oh he was a sweet dog! i was questioning the spelling ;) lol

  3. What a sweetie, glad he found a home - pit bulls have an unfair reputation now, when they started out as the all-American dog (e.g., Little Rascals per above comment, on WWII propaganda posters...)

  4. I think that is an odd way to declare that he is a service dog because normally they wear some official garb. I guess I'm skeptic and wonder why he has his role written on his body? I'd question the owner.

  5. Makes me want to give him a bath and wash that off of him... :(

  6. Looks like a sweet dog, I'm just not happy that his owner chose to write on him. =(

    Thanks for visiting and commenting on my signs.


  7. I wish him getting good care.

    Great posting.

  8. Hopefully the 'service dog' is getting good service and being well looked after. Not sure using him as a billboard is good for his welfare though. Certainly makes for a very different looking sign!

  9. I question drawing on a friendly dog even if the Little Rascals did in the movies. Looks like he enjoys the attention.

  10. He looks very sweet, I'm not sure why anybody would be putting any text of a dog but I am sure he is looked after.

  11. Yes, very funny! Nice rescue dog

  12. Oh geez! Looks like someone should have thought twice before writing that out. But it does strike me as strange that someone would write on a dog in the first place!

  13. might be helpful if they could spell. and not write on a dog, thanks. :)

  14. Sad to see that they wrote on him....

  15. Poor little guy! I'm glad he was getting some lovin' from the passersby!

  16. Seems kind of disrespectful to write on a dog!

  17. Poor baby. At least he was getting positive attention from you and others that day!

  18. For such a good dog and hard working, too, if he is a service dog, they don't seem to take as good a care of him as I'd like! It's just not nice to write on a dog!

  19. Kind of a quirky thing - They've made this pupster look a little like "Petey" from "The Little Rascals." (Sorry if the reference doesn't make sense - it was a really old program when I was a kid . . . still the photo got my attention -

    That's for sharing - I'm going to wonder about this a while.


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