
Friday, October 4, 2013

Friday Fences @ Frontier Culture Museum & Randoms

(click on photo to enlarge)

Yes, I'm back to showing a picture from the Frontier Culture Museum so sue me ;) We really haven't been anywhere exciting in a while. Need to change that!

Friday Fences

Random Time:

1) It's hard to be random first thing in the morning. Usually, when I'm more awake, I'm quite random. Not so much right now.

2) Tonight is the Homecoming game. We'll be there.

3) Have to go grocery shopping today. Working on my menu/shopping list. I put together a 2 week menu with "Breakfats/Lunch/Dinner". Why can't I ever think of anything to eat when I am making my menu. I hate menu planning.

4) The boys have a football game tomorrow afternoon. Weather has been great and will continue through the weekend, until Sunday evening when "Karen" arrives. Lots of rain.

5) Speaking of the weather, I saw THIS when I went to the National Weather site. Our government is a peachy bunch (that's sarcasm ;) )

Have a great weekend!


  1. You should come out to the festival at ferrum in a few weeks and take photos of the coon dog race, now that is exciting as they race across the pond!

  2. Yes they are that, and more..the word childish comes to mind also.
    I'm making a grocery list out this morning too...I don't like to shop on Friday but my schedule is messed up. The early bird misses the crowd though, so I will be there shortly!

  3. why i head to google to look up random thoughts that get my mind rolling. & then i feel i have something to say. ( :

    menu planning ... don't even get me started ... i do that every week. pulling out hair thinking what the heck should we eat during the week. men are no help. ha. ha!!!

  4. I hear you on trying to come up with anything coherent early in the morning... I think you did well. :) Thanks for sharing this week Tanya. xo

  5. Love the photo. Good luck at the game. Menu planning what is that:)
    Your weather notice sight is sad. Have a nice weekend. B

  6. That's a great 'homely' looking photo, enjoy your weekend!

  7. Great photo! You should be able to get some interesting photos at the game.

  8. Love this shot. Have fun at Homecoming.

  9. Great photo!
    Governments - gotta shake your head.

  10. Oh don't get me started on our government!! I just clicked on the Hurricane's amazing!! It's not about the people anymore. See? I could go on and on....but I won't.

    I'm new to Random 5 this week, and thought I'd try and get the gist of it all by paying you a visit!! Happy weekend.

  11. WOW, don't our local news channels also depend on NOAA for giving weather reports? By the people and for the people? Not anymore.

  12. Its a fab shot Tanya, no need to call in the lawyers, there will be no sueing today :))))

  13. That is plain sad about the weather sites. Grrrr!

    I should do more menu planning. I tend to grocery shop on the fly and that is not good for the budget or the waistline. :-)

    Have fun at Homecoming, and hope the boys have fun playing tomorrow!

  14. Oooh, what a pretty photo! I have been so terrible at menu planning lately. I'm starting to hate it! Ugh.

  15. good luck with football! nice fence line above.

  16. I love the Frontier Culture Museum. Even with the big signs on TWO interstate highways, I'm amazed at how few people have heard of it.

    1. actually, on our way there, i thought of you. is your license plate something like hrtwood? i saw a car with that license plate near there and was wondering if it was you!

  17. I need to do more menu planning! Tonight is also homecoming for us. Also our primary school's fall festival and this is where I work. A busy night! Good luck with your game!

  18. A very classic and timely photo!

  19. That's a beautiful scene! Love the fence!

  20. Love your sarcasm but I wouldn't belittle a peach that way!!

  21. This post makes me smile. Personally nobody should get until a budget gets passed-let's see hiw fast we get one!

  22. I love that shot...I picked up a few things at walmart you I hate shopping on the weekend.

  23. Again an interesting random list.

  24. Love seeing more of the Frontier Museum! (Though I could use a break from this horrible shutdown, as I'm sure many would!)

  25. Show as many as you like, it's such a photogenic view.


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