
Friday, October 25, 2013

Friday Fences & Randoms

(click on photo to enlarge)

Taken @ Mountain Lake Lodge

Friday Fences


1) Wish people would stop dreaming about me and let me get a full nights sleep

2) The boys played playoff game number 2 on Wednesday. We lost so we are now eliminated. The boys played very well so I hated to see them lose this one. The refs were not good to us either. We were on Hidden Valley turf with Hidden Valley refs. Lots of penalties called on us. A lot of "imaginary" penalties. It's hard to win when you also have to play the guys in stripes. Our coaches were so upset over the horrible calls that they made a phone call to the athletic dept yesterday. I don't know the outcome.

3) Tonight we are going on a haunted trail walk @ Greenfield. Some of you may recall a few of my many postings about this place. It's one of my favorite places to walk. You can read about the hike HERE and click on Oct 25 on the schedule.

4) Yesterday I got a text from Ashlyn that her school was on lockdown. A potential bomb threat in her building. They wouldn't let the students leave because of possible weapons on campus. Her teacher started to freak out saying "I can't believe this is happening". Which in turn caused the students to become terrified. You can read about that HERE

5) Was hoping for a snow day today. There was a small chance for snow/rain overnight and Botetourt is a BIG county with lots of rural roads that become messed up from the slightest wintry mix. Woke up and it's dry out. Boo.

Have a great weekend!

Random 5 Friday


  1. It smelled like snow yesterday, but we never got any either.

    I have never heard that legend, but I haven't been able to sleep the past 2 nights either.

  2. Oh I am sorry about the bomb threat when I was in school people did that to get out of a day of school these days it makes you think a lot different. I am sorry it scared you both.
    Haunted walk I am not liking this:)
    I think someone is dreaming about me too no sleep:) Have a nice weekend my friend and get some sleep. Hug B

  3. i kid you not i was singing last night "let it snow, let, it snow, let it snow" ... could it have been the fact i was wrapping present or that i completely had no Christmas music playing & i missed that. i love your FF shot. so nice! ( :

    happy weekend.

  4. Love that shot!! NOOOOO.not ready for snow yet!!!

  5. I promise, if I dream about you that in my dream you will be in a great big bed all covered up with fluffy quilts and you will be doing your own dreaming.

  6. sorry about the bomb threat and the refs ... life is never dull and boring, but sure it was! a haunted trail walk sounds like a lot of fun. no one was dreaming about me last night -- i even slept late! yeehaw! have a delightful week.

  7. I like the colors in this shot.

    Sounds like a fun weekend is in order after the craziness and disappointments during the week.

  8. Sorry about your son's know refs make mistakes...but they are usually on both sides of the game.

  9. Great fall fence scene. Wish I knew who had me in their dreams as I have a hard time sleeping nights.

  10. How scary for the students to go into lock down and especially if the teacher gets freaked out. Gee I guess no one has been dreaming about me as I sleep like a baby. Except that I had a weird phone call at 3 this morning.
    Love the foggy photo of the fence! No snow in this part of MN yet although they've had some up north.

  11. That would be awesome! A snow day in October, I mean. :-)

  12. glad #4 turned out okay. sorry about the football end... :)

  13. A show day today, are definitely filled with a child's heart of wishful thinking. It was spitting snow on my yesterday up on the BRPkway, but all we got was COLD temps last night. Your photo is filled with the feel of fall.

  14. Oh my gosh, that is crazy about the bomb threat. So scary! And too bad the teacher couldn't keep her cool. But I don't think I'd be able to in that situation either, so I can't blame her.

    Have fun on your haunted trail walk! I don't like to be scared so I don't think I'd like that too much :)

  15. So THAT's why I can't sleep?

    Sorry about the football refs and the bomb threat. I heard about the latter on the news. So much of that going on lately. It's scary and frustrating.

    Enjoy your haunted walk! And I love that photo--beautiful, misty fall.

  16. Good grief, somebody must be dreaming constantly of me! I for one shall strive to dream of your very atmospheric autumn fence!

  17. Sorry about the threat, I heard about it on the news. Very scary considering the sad cases in the news. It's a shame about the refs. Hope you start getting some good nights from here on. Your photo was lovely, I would be proud to hang that up on my wall. Have a great weekend!

  18. What a terrible scary situation your daughter was in. I hope she is doing okay. The photo is really beautiful.

  19. That is a really nice photo, I like the color.

  20. Wow, this is beautiful! Just gorgeous!

  21. Wow! so much drama in just one day? That's too much scary stuff AND it's not even Halloween yet.

  22. Wonderful shot. Scary events during the week. Hard to imagine. And prospect of snow. Where has the year gone :).

  23. Way to keep the kids calm, Teach. Geez.

    Love your image today Tanya -- moody! :)

  24. It was a little early for a snow day. :-) How was the ghost walk, I would have loved to have gone on that.

  25. Back in the early 70's when I was in high school and someone would call in a bomb threat, we all laughed and went outside and waited 20 minutes having a good time....knowing someone just didn't study for a test and needed an extra day. Now there is nothing funny about it. Sad that is the way it is these days.

  26. Love this shot. The haunted walk sounds like fun.

  27. Are you really wishing for snow???? I am wishing for none!!! :-)
    A haunted walk sounds great! I love stuff like that!

  28. Goodness me, this is a beautiful image Tanya, i can see it framed and hanging. Sorry the boys are out of the playoffs, biased refs are the worst!

  29. Gorgeous shot and processing. Sorry about that bomb threat, and it sounds as if the teacher needs a bit of counseling on her response. Hope your haunted trail was interesting.


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