
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Signs, Signs & Happy Halloween

(click on photo to enlarge)

This girl was on our porch recently. Spun her web right by the front door. I hated to knock her down after all that hard work so we just watched out for her. She left us alone and vice versa.

(click on photo to enlarge)

Last week was Red Ribbon Week in Botetourt Schools. Red Ribbon Week is a campaign to keep kids off drugs. This sign was at Lord Botetourt High School.

Signs, Signs

Have a safe and fun Halloween!


  1. That is a lovely spider. Perfect for Halloween. I see you photographed her preparing supper.

  2. Great post and photos for Rurality ~ and Halloween ~ thanks, carol, xx

  3. We try to leave outdoor spiders and their webs alone too. I'm sure people visiting our home think it's creepy, but spiders are good!

  4. i try to keep the spiders' work intact, too. they work so hard! :)

  5. Good one, Tanya. Really creepy! :-)

  6. I don't like disturbing the outside webs either. That is a big spider!

  7. Thar Red neck o nize red ribbon week is a good program. Scary spider. Have a nice night Tanya. B

  8. That spider is perfect for Halloween! Eeeek!! :)

  9. A good campaign! Glad you left the girl alone and vice versa. She is a scary one though!

  10. The spider was just in time for Halloween. No spiders around my place but I do have 2 fuzzy black bats in my foyer window!

  11. I always like the way they weave a web. Something beautiful in that intricate design.

  12. My spider is bigger than yours! LOL
    It feels like rain here.

  13. Now that's creepy! I don't mind spiders as long as they stay outside.

  14. I love the red ribbon sign- that is quite original. I see that spider and raise you one sqoooshed one. I don't like those things hanging where I could possibly walk into them. Eeek!

  15. You are very kind. If I see a cobweb in a visible area near the front, I knock them down. I figure that is a better outcome for them. Start over somewhere safer.


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