
Friday, December 20, 2013

Mountain Lake Lodge-A Series-Part 9-Wintry Walk

(click on any photo to enlarge)

Let's jump into our time machine and backtrack a couple of hours. Ashlyn and Chris arrived at the Lodge at about noon. They parked in the Lodge parking and we drove down and picked them up to bring them up to our cabin in Blueberry Ridge. After we showed them around our beautiful weekend digs I was excited to take them on a tour of the grounds. These were taken before our family game time photos and my Lodge trail're following right?!

Well first we jump back into our vehicle and drive back to the Lodge because that is how we know to get to the was soooo foggy that you really didn't want to take a new trail or you could get lost, or maybe that's just us lol...anyway.....

Dirty Dancing fans will recognize this as "Baby's Cottage"...yep, that's the cottage Baby's fam stayed in in the movie. There is a sign that says not to enter the porch as it is a private residence, or something like that...I don't know if someone lives there, if you can rent it or what the deal-i-o is so then....

a very QUICK game of Tether Ball. Who doesn't like Tether Ball? I loved playing in elementary school! At recess we had a few Tether Ball games going on and we'd all get in lines to play the winner!...ohhhhh...where was I? It was much too cold to play Tether Ball so....

Christian and Braden decided to play a game of Lawn Chess while the rest of us decided to walk down to the lake. Along the way we saw....

...a poor, frozen Magnolia was thinking "brrrrrr"....then....

photo op at the boat dock, Ashlyn and her boyfriend Chris. It was then that Ashlyn said she couldn't take the cold anymore and wanted to go back to the cabin (it was FREEZING) so we headed back...

I wasn't lying, it WAS freezing!

you can barely see the gazebo!

Linking with Friday Fences because I think porch railings count as fencing of some sort right?!

Now time for some Randoms!

1) I am soooo glad Nancy is back and hosting Random 5 Friday again. I always enjoy blog hopping and reading random thoughts lol

2) Today, in just a few short hours, Christmas break begins! Yippee!!

3) I'm not finished with Christmas shopping. Still have some stuff being shipped to me but I do have to visit a few brick and mortar stores.

4) This is funny:

5) A Christmas miracle:

Merry Christmas!!

For more on Mountain Lake Lodge Click Here and for more Randoms Click Here . Have a great weekend :)


  1. Fun is available in ALL kinds of weather . . . attitude is everything!!

  2. aren't those cell phone you tube videos hilarious!! i love them so! i love the chess board at Mountain Lodge. so foggy & so mysterious!! ( :

  3. Mountain Lake Lodge looks like such an interesting place. Love seeing the cell phone crashing and I can't imagine an American airline doing something like the Canadian airline did. Amazing! Merry Merry and a Happy Happy

  4. We had a tetherball setup in our back yard growing up... hours and hours spent playing that game!

  5. you definitely had some frog to deal with. tetherball made me smile.

  6. Good luck with that last minute shopping! I haven't played tetherball since childhood, ahhh memories:) Stay warm and Happy Holidays!

  7. Have fun during the holidays! Hope you get your shopping done. ;)

  8. Merry Christmas Tanya to you and your family. Your photos are beautiful. I know your holiday will be wonderful. Brick and moarter store?:) Hug B

  9. So foggy! That lawn chess set is so cool - I've never seen one like that before. And I've always loved tetherball! I wish I had one in my yard :)

  10. I would have loved to play chess even in the cold. I love frost!

  11. I love the Mountain Lake photos! It does look very cold. Good luck in finishing up your shopping. I've still got some stocking stuffers to get, but I'm done with the main stuff--finally! Enjoy your family over the holidays, and have a Merry Christmas!

  12. Lawn chess looks completely different!

    And the pics feel like a cold day!

  13. Those are wonderful shots of the resort in the mist and cold !

  14. ooohhhhweeeeee your pics are pretty but my teeth are chattering just looking at em. Looks like you had a great visit. Saw that airport phone crashing on tv last night...hilarious. Happy Holidays.

  15. Who won lawn chess? :)
    Looks like another fun day. Hope you are keeping warm!

  16. "Nobody puts Baby in the corner."

  17. Looks like you had a great time, despite the wintery weather!

  18. Yup my Pierce would love that chess board!

  19. Would love to peek inside Baby's cabin. xox

  20. Great photos Tanya, and I love the videos. The photos looked cold but really great. That must have been one invigorating walk but fun! Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year.

  21. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  22. There it is!!! Baby's chalet. Awesome!


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