
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Old Van

(click on photo to enlarge)


Just up a few houses from yesterday's photo. Well, we survived the Polar Vortex! School is operating on a 2 hour delay today. The weather is supposed to shoot up to 34 for a high. After yesterday that should feel like beach weather!

Rurality Blog Hop #45


  1. That's a neat photo! I wonder what the van looked like when it was "whole"?

    Can you believe that the 30s sounds warm? :-)

  2. Cool. I mean that for the van, not the weather, lol!

  3. Break out the suncream! Love the old van, plenty of miles on the clock I think ;-)

  4. Now there's a fixer-upper. Nice shot ! Enjoy the (only) freezing weather.

  5. Really. Who would have thought we would be rejoicing over a couple of degrees above freezing. :-)

  6. I hope the cold will vanish soon. Love that rustic image!

  7. It looks like maybe a Dodge Panel truck from around 55 or so but I could be wrong. It would be a good project for your boys to work on, they would be busy and off the road for a few days most likely.

  8. Time for shorts and t-shirts! It was freezing here too, stay safe and warm! Love this old vintage. And Happy 2014!:)

  9. I guess it's just yard art now.

  10. this photo reminds me of friends back home, he had three of these in their backyard until the Municipality asked him to remove them by written request, my friend sent a huge bouquet of flowers to the Mayor thanking them for having succeeded where she hadn't... :-)

  11. That poor van doesn't even look "restore-able." It's warming up a bit here, too. Thank goodness. I didn't move to Florida for the cold weather! :)

  12. Glad you survived the vortex! Love the old van. It's very photogenic.

  13. Cool shot! I know how you feel. This morning we finally broke into the 20s and it felt down right balmy! Haha.

  14. What a fun find you found! Sending warm weather wishes your way

  15. Glad you survived the vortex. It is slowly moving out of here. What a find that old van is.

  16. I bet that van has some stories to tell. Enjoy your beach weather. *Snicker Snicker*


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