
Friday, January 31, 2014

Random 5 Friday - Somewhere in Botetourt

(click on photo to enlarge)

This was back in September, Labor Day weekend, what we Americans call the last weekend of summer. We had been to the creek so Ozzy could swim. Came home and had a crab boil. We do that every Labor Day weekend it seems! I guess it's become tradition. No, I didn't remember all that from this photo, but from the ones before it and after in my archives!


1) Yesterday morning, while letting my car warm up, I ran out of gas in my drive-way...

2) My car has been making a strange noise for a few days, so I thought that was the reason my car stalled. I called Nick and told him the car broke down in the drive-way. He left work to come help me out. Wanted to see if the car would start, it wouldn't and my gas light was on. He says "Tanya, could you be out of gas?" Me "Mmmmm, maybe?" In my defense, my gas light never came on the last time I drove it and my drive-way slopes down. So anytime I have a quarter tank, it shows empty. I guess it ran out while warming up...ruh-roh...

3) So, Nick took me to the gas station around the corner so we could fill the gas can up. While there, 4 or 5 police cars came speeding in with their lights on, parking their cars to block the entrances and exits and pulled out their guns....turns out Mama D accidentally tripped the alarm that signals she's being robbed. Talk about exciting!

4) So, the noise my car was making is a bad belt. I have to get that fixed least it wasn't anything major, a tank of gas and a belt.

5) Someone turned the heat off last night..when I crawled out of my warm bed I began to freeze...hurried down the hall to check the thermostat and it was only 56 in here. Brrrrr!

Have a great weekend!

Join in, it's fun! Random 5 Friday


  1. Turned the heat off! That person deserves to be flogged!

  2. That looks like somewhere off Grove Hill Road, maybe? Hard to say, that rolling green of hills and cattle could be most any place here.

    My car has had issues this week, too. I suspect most of the gas has some condensation in it from this freezing weather. Fuel injector has helped.

    1. i was thinking it's probably along that road too anita! that's the way we get to craig creek...gosh you're good! yeah this cold weather has been torture for vehicles!

  3. mmm ... I've never been to Roanoke, but your photos sure do take me there! love this ...

    1. thank you! it sure is a beautiful place to live or visit!

  4. You should get the video of that from the gas station. What a day!

  5. Oh a belt and gas is an easy well maybe not easy fix. Excitement to boot what a great time:) Hug B

  6. Cant wait for green grass. If I run out of gas in the driveway, I go back inside and call it a day. lol

  7. I think we are all hoping for Spring. I giggled reading your car story .. glad it was only gas and a bad belt -- that's a good day! And, it was an adventure too with police and sirens! YeeHaw! ;)

  8. Ruh-roh indeed!! LOL!! I'm glad it wasn't a big, expensive problem. :)

  9. Car troubles! I was on a commercial shoot on Wednesday when it was pointed out to me that my car had developed a flat. £153 for a replacement, wonderful! Have a great weekend!

  10. Oh gosh I've done the same thing- it warms up during the day and I turn the pellet stove off- then I wake up the next morning to a deep freeze. I'd like to say someone else did it- but with only two in the house I can't keep blaming my dh. Can I?

  11. running out of gas in your driveway - too funny! and oddly convenient. :)

  12. Laughed at your first one...been there, done that!

  13. The running-out-of-gas-in-the-driveway episode sounds like something I would do. I need gas now, but I didn't want to take time to do it on the way to the office. Hope I don't see that light . . .

    That is a lovely photo! It's good to be reminded that the grass will be green again. :-)

  14. A very entertaining read, Tanya. You did have quite a week and you certainly made me smile :).

  15. All that green is really pretty!

  16. You've had quite a week, too! It's good your car will be an easy fix.

    I love seeing your green grass photo. I think our brown grass will be white before the weekend is over. Happy Friday to you!

  17. Uh-oh! I hope nobody is going to tease you about your car not having gas. ;))

  18. you had some weird things going on this week. sorry to hear you ran out of gas ... i have been close. but made it in time. will never let that happen again. would be too scary. happy weekend with calmer times. i hope! ( :

  19. Well if you're going to run out of gas I guess your own driveway is probably the best place possible. I use to have a car that if it registered "empty" you knew you were in trouble. Some cars can run on "E" for quite sometime but not that one. Glad Nick came to the rescue. Glad to hear it was only a "bad belt" making the noise, better that then something worse and harder to repair.

  20. Brrr that is cold! I'd get to work at finding the culprit haha!

  21. At least you were in your own driveway :) 56 is a touch too chilly for January.

  22. So do you have ghosts playing heating tricks on you? :-)

    That photo is so pretty!

    There's a surprise today on VDP...

  23. Turning off the heat, huh ? Is one of your kids an environmentalist ?

  24. I like your photo, one of those rural scenes that is so peaceful. I love the countryside.

  25. Sometimes the most ordinary days hold the most excitement!

  26. Nice rustic scene! Glad you didn't run out of gas somewhere in the boondocks!

  27. Tanya, the bagels were not hard to make at all! I always figured they would be which is why I had never made them. I hope you give them a try! :)

  28. Sounds like you were on a losing streak, Tanya. Fortunately, nothing critical. You are due for the weekend to be great!

  29. I imagine you'll be hearing about the gas snafu for some time... :)

  30. Well gas and a belt isn't too terrible. Last month when my car started making a crazy sound it needed a new alternator.

  31. Nice, bucolic photo. I'm still laughing about you running out of gas in your driveway. Not sure if I've ever known a person to do that before! You might be unique! :)

  32. Love the beautiful photo. A long time ago I just managed to get my dad's car into our garage with the last drop of gas... The next day there was no way to start it again until he got a refill. He was quite angry!

  33. People here stranded in the snow storm last Tues were in their cars for hours. I would have run out of gas in half and hour. Lesson learned.

  34. LOL!!! I know it's not fun to run out of gas but it IS funny that it happened in your driveway. Best place, though! Oh yes, SO glad it wasn't anything worse with your car repairs! They can be expensive. Gorgeous photo!!!

  35. Your labor day tradition sounds wonderful!
    Car troubles are never good…..and tripping alarms are not fun either. I can only imagine her surprise at the sight of all the police!


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