
Thursday, March 6, 2014

Signs, Signs - Sunbeam

(click on photo to enlarge)

A block or two away from yesterday's Harrison Museum. I can't tell if this is old or just poor shape. Not in the best area so I guess the sign people don't really care.

Update: Lisa over at Two Bears Farm pointed out that the sign looks handpainted, which after she said something about that, I had to then I had to turn to Google. I don't believe I have ever seen a handpainted billboard and found a story about hand painted billboards. You can read that HERE. So I take back my comment about the sign people not caring and see that they do infact care enough to keep this bit of Americana! Thanks Lisa for pointing that out to me!

Linking with Signs, Signs


  1. It looks old to me. And handpainted - don't you think?

    1. it DOES look handpainted now that you mention it!

  2. you always wonder why signs are forgotten? ... it seems to happen quite often. i love finding old sign on brick building. that is my favorite! ( :

  3. Fantastic - looks really old to me and amazed it's still there? Maybe a local store painted it.

  4. Interesting that it is hand painted! Too bad they are being replaced with vinyl. A lost art.

  5. The Sunbeam brand, established in 1942, put up signs in the 1950s, and this may be one of them. I believe this bread is still being sold. Comes under the heading of squishy white bread, not my favorite. That is a great sign. Good find.

    1. yes, we have sunbeam here...ha, it is squishy white bread which is my favorite kind :D

  6. that's pretty cool - rather than the plastic stretched over the billboard types. :)

  7. Cool sign with a neat history! Thanks for including the links.

  8. A nice sign find and some educational comments from your viewers. Don't you love your followers?

  9. I remember Sunbeam bread... but not this billboard. In any case, it's classic Americana.

  10. Yes, a nice piece of Americana. I need to have a look at it sometime. Have you heard the questionable forecast for tonight...that’s a silly question. When is it going to leave.

  11. That looks like an old style wrapper on the bread, if it isn't old then someone is trying to make it look like the 1960s.

  12. It looks rather old to me, but maybe it was intentional.

  13. It's been years since I've seen that bread.

  14. What a great vintage find -- a glimpse of days gone by. xo

  15. How cool is that?? And time consuming as well to paint? Yikes!! Reminds me…I need to add bread to my shopping list.

  16. That's such a neat looking old sign. How wonderful to find out that it is hand-painted. Have a great weekend Tanya :)


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