
Saturday, March 8, 2014

Weekend Reflections - C & O Heritage Museum

(click on photo to enlarge)

Taking you back to the C&O Heritage Center...I love all those colorful reflections! If I remember correctly, this train car was from the Vietnam Era. I remember Nick commenting on the military green and look to it.

Oh, and regarding yesterday's photo with the boys in shorts. Many of you commented on how cold it looks. I should have explained that that was last weekend and it was just a little cool starting out in the morning but turned into a pretty day. Not as cold as it looks! That pile of snow is left over from that big snow (almost 2 feet of it) a couple of weeks back. It's gone but a few parking lots still have a pile or two that refuse to go away! Today the sun is shining, the birds are singing and the temp will be in the 60's! Ahhhh spring!

Linking with Weekend Reflections....Happy Saturday! What fun things do you have planned for the day?


  1. i like that your duo is on opposite sides of the aisle. :)

  2. This may be my favorite photo of Roanoke ever. I also love how the memes inspire us to be creative in looking at our communities. I love Weekend Reflections and ABC Wednesday and the City Daily Photo groups. They seem to be the most like "family." Have a great weekend. We're iced in down in Greensboro

  3. Warming up this morning, now the mud and eventually spring.

  4. Nice reflections. This must be in a caboose.

  5. You got a lot of mileage out of your trip to the C&O Museum. We really enjoyed our visit there and plan to take some cousins next time they are in town. They like trains.

    1. ha, i did! i loved it, not done yet though, have a few more to show :) in june, i think, they are having a train festival and it sounds like a lot of fun...planning on going. they pull out that bike and the other thing that is in the shed (can't think of what it is called) and let the kids ride the track with them! the boys were all excited when they heard that!

  6. I wonder if these trains looked as good as this when in use? This is a great shot...

  7. I love this beautiful picture, exquisite lights and reflections!

  8. That seems to be such a cool memorial... It is always best to feel History than to read it...

  9. Terrific shot! The boys are sitting up quite high!

  10. Interesting reflections - they had me thinking! I've never seen a train car such as this. Warm regards

  11. So we're having the same weather! :-) Love all the light in this shot!

  12. it was such a gorgeous day. what a great temperature kind of day. ( :
    have a great weekend!!

  13. «Louis» would enjoy visiting this museum!

    He thanks you for your recent visits to «Louis'» California Travels. :-)

  14. Enjoy your weekend, Tanya. Visitors this weekend down here, so little time to visit blogger buddies.

  15. Love the H & C Coffee on top. They're my initials :)

  16. Nicely composed shot ! Don't see much of that shade of green anymore.

  17. Very interesting shot, love the light and colours. Your boys make it complete!

  18. Nice photo! And a great experience for those kids, turning them into lifelong train lovers!

  19. Trains on any era have an allure.

  20. This has been a fun tour through the museum! Hope you had a nice weekend.

  21. Love these cool vintage colors too! And it finally warmed up here as well, hooray spring!

  22. Hi Tanya oh love that train very cool.

    Hey you WON one of my hats send me your email and I can get it right off to you. Email address on my profile. Congratulations Hug B

  23. What a great capture of your boys AND the green train; love this!!!
    Enjoy your sunshine.


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