
Thursday, April 3, 2014

Signs, Signs - Noah

(click on photo to enlarge)
Carmike Valley 8. 1700 Apperson Drive. Salem. 24153

Sunday we were supposed to go to the Nascar race in Martinsville. The weather was sketchy calling for rain and SNOW! We had 2 tickets already but needed to purchase 4 more. It was going to be a gamble not knowing how the weather would turn out and if the race would be cancelled due to rain so we decided to just give the 2 tickets to Ashlyn and her boyfriend and we went to the movies instead. We went and saw Noah. The boys and I thought it was pretty good, my husband said it was alright. I'm much easier entertained though I guess haha...anyways, we pulled up and noticed these workers hanging the O on Noah. Seems a little scary. The person who hung "Sabotage" must have had extraordinarily long arms!

Linking with Signs, Signs


  1. I had the same thought when I saw your photo. Perhaps "Sabotage" was put up from a ladder below?

  2. I never imagined that this is how they changed them.

  3. Someone must have mislaid the extension pole. Let's see, I wonder which of these two it was? :-)

  4. The Son Of God, Noah and the Muppets all on the same marquee. Interesting.

  5. I worked at a drive in when I was in high school, we had to change the sign out by the highway using a ladder to climb up and then standing on a metal grate.

  6. that must hurt bending over like that. i hope they can get the sign up & very quickly at that. ouch!! or maybe it is a good yoga pose? ( :

  7. I love this... Strange jobs always fascinate me. Imagine in the job interview for this one they'd have to measure arms?

  8. My son and his wife were going to see Noah last night. Great catch on the sign photo. Apparently I have recently discovered I haven't a head for heights so even thinking about hanging those letters makes me dizzy :)

  9. I would think a ladder would be in order as not only would it be easier to place the letters but you could get a better view of the overall sign.

  10. wow! i'd not want that job. dizzy is right!

  11. OMG I have vertigo just looking at them lol! Could never do that either :)

  12. I haven't seen marquee signs changed in quite this style. I'm not sure I would want that job, even if I do have relatively long arms. I've heard mixed reviews about Noah.

  13. As my mother-in-law would say, "You've got to hold your mouth 'just right'!"
    Sure glad I don't have to do that job and glad to see there's a second person there, just in case!


  14. I would have thought a ladder would be used...

    I haven't seen Noah, but I'm planning on seeing the Captain America sequel tomorrow.

  15. Doesn't look like the safest way to get the job done!

  16. I'm a little concerned about the lack of a safety harness!
    Though, my very first thought was that the Sabotage is better in the bottom location as otherwise it would read "Son of God Sabotage Muppets". That would not be popular.

    1. oh that is funny! i should call them and have them change it! :D

  17. Carmike must be national or at least regional. We have some here. They're still doing it old school!

  18. Yep, they're in a precarious position way up there. If their workers' comp insurer were to see would not be good. Reminded me of the workers on the side of the road in Mexico, slashing the weeds away with hatchets. Barefoot!

  19. I would not be hanging from the top of the building!

  20. They'd better watch out for the Muppets.

  21. How the heck to do they do that upside down too?? How funny. You know you're in a small town when…..


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