
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

ABC Wednesday - T is for: A Turtle Tragedy

(click on photo to enlarge)
While on the beach Monday we found this sad sight. A poor young sea turtle that had washed up on shore. The ranger had told us about him while we were walking and to make sure nobody was messing with him that he had a team on the way to pick the turtle up.

(click on photo to enlarge)

These 2 from the Virginia Aquarium Stranding Response Team showed up and were taking notes then loaded the turtle into the wagon to take back to the lab and study. They told us they thought the turtle was young by looking at his size. Maybe 5 - 10 years old.

For more info on the Virginia Aquarium Stranding Response Team CLICK HERE...You can also make a donation from their website if you would like.

Linking with ABC Wednesday

P.S. The beach house I posted yesterday is not our beach house! It's just one of my favorites along the beach. Sad to see it all boarded up!


  1. I wonder what happened to it. :-(

  2. oh dear the poor little creature...

  3. Fingers crossed everything turned out okay...

  4. A team to handle a turtle? Oh yes it is probably how the government does it.

  5. with so few that make it to that size, i'm sure that is very sad.

  6. Sea turtles have a tough life from their first steps toward the ocean. Not many make it this far. It's too bad this one couldn't have lived a little longer.

  7. makes you wonder how many survive? i bet it is a very tough life for the little guys. ( :

  8. Poor turtle. People thought you were staying in a boarded up beach rental? Really? lol

  9. The odds seem to be stacked against sea turtles. Nature plays no favorites, though.

  10. It's good to know that the poor thing got some help.

  11. While it is a bit distressing to see an unfortunate turtle, it makes me feel better that someone is looking into what went wrong. I was very lucky to go to a Turtle 911 class earlier this spring and learned a lot about what we can do to help turtles in need. One of the things they asked us to do is to watch for areas where there seem to be a lot of turtles who are hit by cars and they go out and put up Turtle Crossing signs. I guess they can't do that at a beach however.

  12. What on earth happened to the poor thing!? How sad!


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