
Friday, August 1, 2014

August Theme Day - Take Away Store & Willy Nilly Friday 5 Number 6 @ Bowling's Hot Dogs

(click on photo to enlarge)
Gosh dang, another month, another theme day! The theme for City Daily Photo bloggers is Take Away Store, or for us Americans, "take out"! We stopped here one day a couple of months ago on our way to the Blue Ridge Farm Museum. We were hungry for lunch and really there is nothing out that way and we passed this little hole in the wall, Bowling's Hot Dogs. My friend Sunnybrook Farm will recognize this place I'm sure! Built in 1950, it's pretty simple and quite the hot spot. It was packed with locals. We ordered chili dogs and cokes to eat there but there were some people getting orders to go. It was good, we left satisfied! For more on Bowling's and how it got to be Click Here and to see "Take Away Stores" or "Take-Outs" visit City Daily Photo!

Now for some randoms:

1) Sorry I've been MIA this week. Like I said the other day, Nick took an unexpected vacation and that sure cuts into my blogging time haha although it's been fun, went to the New Orleans Saints Training Camp at the Greenbrier (see last post) and also went and saw Hercules. We all really liked it! It even had some funny points!

2) Today, Nick spent a few hours back at work and I took the boys and Ashlyn and her boyfriend back to the New Orleans Saints Training Camp lol...yes, we are addicted haha...those of you that I am friends with on Facebook have probably grown tired of my many pictures but those that aren't, don't worry, I have a bunch to share with you ;)

3) Picked up the boys' school schedules this afternoon and sat through a drug/alcohol and concussion meeting for sports. Yawn.

4) The weather here has been cooler, much cooler. Fall like actually. It's beautiful but I want the heat of summer. I want to know summer is still here. Fall will be here soon enough. Summer is the hardest season for me to let go.

5) On Saturday I will be the mother of a 20 year old. Yes, my baby girl turns 20! Holy (expletive)! Happy Birthday Ashlyn!

Ok, so now it's your turn. I hope you will join up even though I wasn't here to nag ask you nicely to play along all this week! Have a super weekend :)


  1. It's nice to know that the American belief in the tasty hole-in-the-wall restaurant continues to exist. Nothing like a good chili dog. Only, I'd have mine with beer!

  2. Sounds like you've had a fun week!
    I love this shot in black and white. It gives it such a small town feel. It reminds me of the burger stand in the small town where my Grandmother lives. :)

  3. That's a wonderful shot. I love the B&W treatment.

  4. Fantastic image, have a great weekend and Happy Birthday to Ashlyn!

  5. Oh my gosh....we are Denver Bronco Fans....of course being from Colorado originally that'll explain that. LOVE chili dogs. Yummy. Oh and I'll take your Fall weather....Summer here in Texas is NOTHING to wish for. For the last 6 days we've had 110+ degree heat index. And then, a 20 yr. old...Happy Birthday to youngest is 42.

    Oh and my Willy Nilly is just a list of 'oops' from the 2004 Olympic Commentators I found online this week.

  6. It's the kind of place that after a night on the town, demands fast food and here it is. Black and white does make it timeless. A lot of our fast food outlets have ceased to trade, replaced by trendier cafes, but fast food will always find a way.

  7. The hot dog stand sounds like a blast from the past!
    You and I feel very differently about fall/summer. ;) I'll trade you!!!

  8. love that old place and love that it's still going strong! happy birthday to your young lady!

  9. Drive ins bring back lots of memories. As teenagers, we used to make the rounds to the drive-ins to meet up with friends in other muscle cars!

  10. These little unassuming retro food spots can sometimes provide the tastiest of treats, sounds like this one was a winner Tanya. Perfect for the theme.

  11. Sounds like you had some good time off.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Happy Birthday to your daughter! 20 years old is a wonderful age!
    It's hard to believe it's August and school will soon be starting. Are your boys looking forward to it?
    Great pic of the old drive-in!
    Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful weekend!

  14. Tanya, my link isn't working. Can you fix it or just delete it and I'll try again? I'm fairly sure I entered everything right. Thanks!

  15. Love this classic look! Makes me feel right at home :).

  16. I LOVE that photo. That's just the kind of place we look for when we travel. We have had a coolish summer. I am glad for that, but it hasn't kept the allergies down. Personally, I'm looking forward to the first frost and some relief. I know that I am in the minority in that regard. Sounds like you had a couple of nice trips to training camp.

  17. This looks like one of those little hole-in-the walls that look run down, but really have tremendous food! Happy Birthday to your daughter, any plans?

  18. Oh I love this photo, timeless, timeless!

    Happy birthday!

    Tanya, your feed has completely stopped updating in Blogger, I don't have any thumbnails whatsoever anymore...

  19. Happy Birthday to you daughter!! this year is flying by. it will be Christmas soon. time is gone before you blink. ( :

    hope you had a fun week. enjoy your time away. or wait - maybe you are back? either way - hope you had a blast!!

  20. A hole in the wall can be good eating. Happy Birthday to your daughter!

  21. I go by there every day, it is really nice looking soon after sunrise in bright light.
    No sun today, rain!

  22. In black and white, this could be from the 1950s. Some holes in the wall are terrific. (Some aren't.) Congrats on the 20 year old. You and she have made it through some of the toughest years.

  23. I had a cheesy bread bacon cheese hot dog at Sonic this week....oh my goodness, that was delicious!!!!! I never eat hot dogs, but wow! What a difference some crunchy bacon and bun with cheese baked in and liquid cheese poured over the dog make in a little old hot dog!

    Twenty.....just wait til she's 40!! My mom told me on my birthday I was making her old by turning 59...and I'm her I guess we never feel really our age....but our kids sure remind us of how old we are!

  24. Sounds like a great local place.

  25. The sky made this a really nice shot.

  26. Love the little hot dog place in back and white. Happy birthday to your young lady!

  27. That hot dog stands sound wonder it's been in business so long! I like locally-owned places. Nice shot, too.


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