
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Rubbish Tuesday - Pearis Theatre

click on photos to enlarge
111 So. Main St . Pearisburg . VA . 24134

Of course I had to go investigate!
Imagine how awesome these lights must have looked back in the day. This great old place was built in 1939 or 40...have seen mention of both dates.

Not in use as a theatre anymore but getting a new life as a community center.

I'm not gonna lie, this window display kind of creeped me out.

I loved these silver doors and wanted the boys to stand in front for a photo. They did not like the feel of this place and would not stand there. I had to have Nick stand with them. It wasn't until just now, researching the theatre that I found it is "haunted"! If you look into the door to the right, it looks like a small child standing there smiling. I'm sure it's just a weird reflection but a little creepy none-the-less!

I liked the way the sign looked from the other side.

They look like good sports but they really wanted away from there!

I found this neat video about a paranormal investigation held there:

And I found this blogger blogging about his memories of the theatre from the 50's Photography In Place

The Pearis Theatre

CLICK HERE for a neat website on old theatres...if you scroll to the bottom you might recognize our old Buchanan Theatre that I've shown you before.

The Waymarking Page

Linking with Roan's Rubbish Tuesday for those of us who love old stuff!


  1. Fascinating... and you're right, more than a little creepy!

  2. Must have been the talk of the town back in the day.

  3. I love that photo of the sign from the inside!!! Especially with the blue sky!

  4. Kind of strange that the boys did not like it...and they didn't know about it being haunted.

    Re my post on Patton's corner...I just wanted to link back to my other posts from there. It is not a flea market...just a little place someone has set up out in the country. You just stop and look whenever you feel like it. No one there, Free of charge. There is a guest book in the shack for people to sign. We happened on it and did not stop two or three times...I finally got up my nerve to look around. Realized it was put there for people to enjoy.

    1. ohhhh, i thought i was coming back to the same post, will have to go have another look, thanks!

  5. OOH-LA-LA! What a pearl, did Janis Joplin "the pearl" ever preform here? Tom The Backroads Traveller

  6. neat that your boys picked up on the eeriness of it! it has a cool sign, though!

  7. Back in my young days, I attended what we called going to the picture show.

  8. Old theaters always take me back to The Last Picture Show of 1971. One of my favorites.

  9. How fun, and the eeriness a bonus too!

  10. It still needs some work, but using it for a community center is a good idea.

    Just as long as one keeps an eye out for ghosts and goblins.

  11. I just love old theaters like this. It's too bad it's not being used for it's original purpose anymore, but glad that it is being used for something. I also like hearing about ghost stories, but not sure I believe in them.

  12. I would like to see our old theaters use like this one!

  13. What a wonderful old theatre! Loved the colorful marquis! So glad it is getting use in a different function now and not left to rot! About the little ghost--she wanted to be in the picture! :-)

  14. Many theaters claim to have ghosts. There is one where John Wilkes Booth was an actor who alleges that he walks their halls.

  15. Yeah it creeped me out too but the theater is very very cool. Hug B

  16. It is a really cool place, and maybe the dead like it just as much as we do (not)! But there must be something to it, or the boys would not have gotten that creepy feeling.We have a theater like it and or years have been having fund raisers to turn it into a community theater. Ours is creepy too. Right before it shut down, a mouse ran over my foot in the dark. Can you say conniption fit...

  17. This is fantastic! I love coming across places like this one!

  18. The theatre in our town looks somewhat similar, except that it is still in operation. In fact, it is the oldest continuously operating theatre in Canada. It recently upgraded to digital technology so that it could still get first run movies. The whole town really came through with a big fund raiser to help out. - Margy

  19. Neato. The boys might know something you didn't!

  20. This is fascinating Tanya and the fact that it's supposedly haunted makes it even more so. I would never have seen the child standing in the door unless you mentioned it. It is a little creepy!

  21. Too bad they couldn't turn it into a performance venue.

  22. Maybe this old theater is one of the ones that is best left in its current state. A reputation for being haunted is hard to get away from.

  23. Your sons have awesome red hair! The theater must have been a really neat place back in it's day, but now...
    It does look like a perfect place for an episode of Nancy Drew! I think it was in the first season of that show, there was an episode where they organized a play in an old theater like that...with a famous caste that had a shady past.

  24. That is such a neat old movie theater. Fun to see your family too.

  25. It's good to see that efforts are being made to rehabilitate the old theater, but it does look a bit creepy. Your twins are sure growing up fast!

  26. The child liked to be photographed! It's good to have acomunitry use now. It changes the energy of the place and may "clean" it.


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