
Friday, March 6, 2015

National Museum of the Marine Corps - IV

click on photos to enlarge
This one is for the fans of aviation...
Not only are the exhibits mind-blowing but I also love the architecture of the museum...
If you noticed the scaffolding you might have guessed that the museum is a work in progress. I believe I read that the final phase will be completed in 2020.

The National Museum of the Marine Corps
18900 Jefferson Davis Highway . Triangle . VA . 22172
Museum Website

Now for some Willy Nilly time:

1) I'm sorry I am late opening the linky up. Nick brought Dracula home to watch and I was so sleepy afterwards that I just stumbled off to bed...We liked the movie though.

2) Yesterday was another snow day for us. We ended up with maybe 3 inches. Today is another snow day because all that snow turned to ice got really cold!

3) Beth asked why we visited this museum, if my husband or myself had been in the military. Nick was in the Marine Corps right after high school. We got married not long after boot camp. We spent our first married years in 29 Palms, CA...I worked in the PX. Although you don't have to have a military background to enjoy this museum! I think anyone would love it!

4) I made THIS RECIPE this week for steak fajitas. It was really good! I have never heard of that restaurant but when I was searching for a recipe, it came up and had quite a few good reviews so I tried it. Happy I did. Everyone liked them.

5) Did you hear Ripley's is phasing out their elephant act? Great news! Read more HERE ...I hope others will follow.

You know the 5 randoms, link up and visit others! Have a great weekend!!

Linking up with Nancy from a Rural Journal, the Friday 5 visionary (haha)...yes, she's back!! Random 5 Friday

Vote for me please! I think today is the last day!


  1. Hope it's okay I joined in Tanya! Happy weekend to you. xo

    1. nancy i am glad you did! i only started it because you left us!! i am so happy you are back!

  2. Thanks for hosting and I look forward to visiting everyone. I enjoyed the museum photos. Thx also for the fajita recipe. Enjoy the weekend. Mildred

  3. Did someone say fajitas???
    The museum is realistic!
    Snow days? I'm suffering from a sunburn from working in the garden on Sunday....I should have known better though. I hope your weekend is wonderful!

  4. love the glass ceilings in that place! great way to show off the aviation portion!

  5. The architecture in that place is amazing, very fitting for the museum's contents.

    If that was the most recent Dracula movie, with Luke Evans playing him, I liked that one.

    1. yes! that one...and it looks like it is set up for a part 2!

  6. Really, 22 hours chained to a stake is a bitch. Can't be a lot of fun.

  7. Tanya, I note there is a problem with my link on #2, so I re-submitted. I don't know how to delete #2, though.

  8. That is quite a museum. I didn't even know it existed. Thanks for sharing.

    1. we didn't know either! nick was talking to another marine recently who told him about it and that he had to go, so that we did!

  9. I like the architecture. Lots of great light and shadows.
    Anything with tequila in it, has to be good! I might just have to add some next time I make fajitas.

  10. what an amazing place! It actually looks like those planes are flying around inside! And the men look totally real and are in real poses. Of course we have the same weather here, but we got six inches. I was so glad to hear about those elephants! but now I will worry about them in that circus retirement home.

  11. What a great museum. I like how they've set the scene with sand and soldiers. It must be great to have a military background. I'm sure it gives you an interesting perspective on what's going on around the world. Dracula is such a classic. I watched it with Emi last halloween. It was perfect! Wishing you some warm spring weather for the weekend, Bonny

  12. A gorgeos building!
    So sorry to read, that you have still snow - we celebrate our first really spring weekend here...(my photos are from now).
    Thanks for hosting, have a nice weekend and a faster spring

  13. Great shots. Love the light inside. The north of my country has been under heavy loads of snow as well.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  14. Cool. Reminds me of when I visited the National Air and Space museum in D.C.!

  15. I think museums of any kind are interesting, but I do love planes! Stay warm. Happy Friday!

  16. So much snow for many. Here we had one snow day but it was actually for ice and not snow. I would enjoy that museum.
    Bet it was the Tequila in those Fajitas that everyone liked.
    It's good that the Elephants will be treated better.

  17. I heard about the elephants on the news last night and was so happy about it. I've only been to the circus once and was horrified at the acts with the animals. Just seemed wrong somehow. Thanks for the trip to the museum. Sorry about your icy weather. We've had more snow than ever but the ice has held off.

  18. Those scenes in the museum are so realistic! Thanks for sharing.

  19. I am so happy to hear about the elephants. I will never forget reading the news last year of an old elephant that was rescued from it's circus owner and that it actually shed tears when it realized it was being freed from his cruelty.
    That looks like it will be an amazing museum. The men in the photos look real, too.
    Thanks for hosting WNF5 and have a nice weekend!

  20. I didn't hear about Ripley's, but saw on the nightly news that Ringling Bros. Circus is retiring their 13 elephants, I think it was the end of this month. Thanks for hosting!

  21. So cool! It reminds me of the Air and Space Museum at the Smithsonian.

  22. At first glance, I really thought those were live men in action! Really nicely done museum!

  23. Amazing museum! I know we would enjoy it if we got that way again. Glad there will be no more elephant exploitation too.

  24. My dad was in the Marine's. I just emailed him the link to this museum. I agree with you, from what I can see in your photo's, even the architecture looks amazing!

  25. Looks like a very big museum ! I suppose you are also fed up of winter, it is time that spring arrives !

  26. This museum is getting better and better...

  27. I can very much see why the museum would be a fascinating visit and yes had heard about and pleased that Rip!eys are phasing of the elephant act, about time. Hope the weather warms up a wee bit over the weekend so you guys can get out and about a bit Tanya.

  28. I can very much see why the museum would be a fascinating visit and yes had heard about and pleased that Rip!eys are phasing of the elephant act, about time. Hope the weather warms up a wee bit over the weekend so you guys can get out and about a bit Tanya.

  29. That museum does have great architecture. Steak fajitas...yum....

  30. This place really is something else, fantastic... and great photos too!

  31. Wonderful news that the elephant act is being discontinued!

  32. If I ever get to Virginia I'll be sure to check out that museum. We love cool architecture too. Have a warm weekend.

  33. Sorry I'm late Tanya, I thought I had already signed up so was obviously a little confused. I've enjoyed your trip to the USMC museum. Thanks also for the links. The recipe I would like to try. I haven't had fajitas in a long time.

  34. p.s. I also think it's great news about the elephants. I have disliked going to circus' for a very long time now, since I was a young teenager. Never enjoyed them, and part of that was that I had heard so many sad/bad stories about the poor elephants. Training big cats also gave me cause for concern.


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