
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

A Tree on Tuesday

click on photo to enlarge
Greenfield . Botetourt County

Yay, Christian's root canal was easy peasy. It took about an hour and a half and after all the numbness wore off he felt fine! Phew, what a relief!


  1. What a relief! So glad everything went well. That is a lovely photo, so peaceful.

  2. Glad the root canal went well. I had some weird dreams last night... I went to see some old friends doing a play/performance art thingie. It was taking place in a Ronald McDonald House... I was worried we were going to disturb the families staying there.

  3. Love the simplicity of this one. Golden sun.

  4. pretty scene!! love it! glad the root canal was easy!

  5. Good for you, and hooray to your dentist, for making you pleased! Great tree you've captured too.

  6. Wonderful! What type of editing did you do to this picture??? It is gorgeous!!

  7. One of your best pictures lately, I like the colors and the composition! I hate root canals by the way...

  8. Hooray for a successful trip to the dentist! What a lovely photo of the tree. :)

  9. I'm glad your son is doing OK! Root canals are no fun.

    I am a tree person--I love them in all seasons. When they're bare, I think the "bones" of their branches are beautiful.

  10. oh i feel his pain, been there done that. no fun, hoping 2 never do it again. ( :

  11. Nice tree and unusual light.

    Don't even say the words "root canal" in my presence.

  12. I LOVE-LOVE-LOVE this photo. It's almost like a delicate pencil drawing.

  13. I had a root canal did not work out quite so nice!

    Love that photo...

  14. I thought for a second you had linked in to Monica's Nature Footsteps Bushes & Trees meme. It's new, and happens on Tuesday (see the link on my post) Nice little tree on a rise. Glad the root canal went OK.


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