
Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Abandoned Main Street II

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Main Street . Pamplin City . Appomattox County

I know I'm totally overloading you on pictures right now but I wanted to show you every detail. This is the first building along Main Street. I thought it would be easy to find info on it since it has a name but nope, nothing comes up...hmmmmm...tomorrow I will show you building #2!

There are people that live in Pamplin City, this is just one part that has been deserted. At the end of this street sits the Pamplin train depot, which is now the library. For more on Pamplin City CLICK HERE

Linking with Our World Tuesday


  1. I am glad you got these photos Tanya. I expect they will be just a memory in the not too distant future.

  2. Chain of feed stores for livestock?

  3. This place is too cool, someone some where must bring a bit of life to this quaint old building.

  4. I always love brick works!|

  5. Very creative shots~ Fascinating history ~ sad though it got abandoned!

    Happy Week to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  6. It looks an incredible building. What a shame there is no information about it.

  7. Abandoned Main St. works very well for a photo op!

  8. Wouldn't it be great if it could be restored? Nice detail, Tanya.

  9. The boys are wonderful in front of the house, what a contrast of old and broken down, and youthful beauty!! I wish it to all be torn down and either a field or something else built, it is too far gone for renovation.

  10. Sad to see these old main streets being abandoned.

  11. I find it curious that the number 198 on the building looks quite new, while all around is slowly crumbling.

  12. This place must be terrific on Halloween!

  13. All looks quite eerie!


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