
Friday, June 26, 2015

Willy Nilly Friday 5 No. 49

click on photo to enlarge
Greenfield in Botetourt...Just up the trail a bit from the bee sanctuary I posted yesterday. Up on the hill across the way sits a few old slave cabins. I've shown you them before. This is such a pretty area!

Willy Nilly time:

1) Made this yummy Fried Ice Cream for Father's Day. It was so good! We didn't top it with chocolate syrup, honey or whipped cream, just ate it plain and I don't think it could have been any better!

2) Also tried this Cilantro Lime Chicken Fajita Salad for dinner one night last week...also totes delish! A definite keeper and great summer dinner!

3) Photographer Mashes Photos Together For Hilarious Results

4) 10 Dogs Who Think They're People

An amazing old tree in Raleigh, NC

Well there's my 5! Now it's your 5 randoms, link up and visit others! Have fun and have a great weekend!


  1. I love that tree...but now with the recipes...I need something to eat!

  2. Bee sancturay - I saw your post yesterday, but I've never heard before this word... The area is marvellous!
    And your links of the dogs photos made my day, hehehe
    Have a nice weekend

  3. Nice photos, yes, I love this delicious tree!

  4. #1 I'll stick with it straight out of the carton thank you.
    #2 Sounds good.
    #3 I'd love to learn to do this.
    #4 Don't they all.
    #5 How many tooth pics could you make out of that tree?
    Tom The Backroads Traveller

  5. It's been YEARS since I've had fried ice cream!!!

  6. A honeybee santuary? Great idea - bees are having a really tough time and we need them! Your recipe reminded me of the time I downloaded one for a lamb tagine, went shopping for the ingredients and spent ages asking people in shops what cilantro was; no one knew - we call it coriander over here - as I discovered when I got home and looked it up. Have a great weekend.

  7. beautiful old tree! happy weekend to you!

  8. What a wonderful tree to share with the masses.

  9. In mt world, The Pups are My Peeps . . . (giggle)
    LOVE those mashed up photos . . . MUST Ignore the terrific food posts - gained too much - gotta discipline . . . or I'll roll everywhere . . (double giggle) - Terrific Week to YOU!

  10. Your rolling hills are much like our rolling hills, but we don't have a mountain backdrop! Very pretty, indeed!

  11. The 'dogs thinking they are people' brings back memories of one of our dogs - she definitely fell into that category. We miss her.

  12. That old tree really stands out beautifully!

  13. Mmmmmmmmmm fried ice cream. Love the tree too.

  14. What a beautiful area, and such a gorgeous old tree! You should think about joining NF Trees & Bushes when you get photos like that one! It's fairly new. I copied the chicken recipe and it looks like something I will make soon! Yummy! Enjoyed looking at the photo mashup! The little girl with the shovel and the fruit loops was my favorite, but as a painter I also loved the paint tube, and the little boy drinking out of the water tower was also really cute!

  15. I've just fallen in love with a tree again...

  16. Entertaining and delicious with a beautiful tree besides. Nice five!!

  17. We call cilantro, coriander her in the UK, but the salad sounds delicious, will make a similar one this week end I think. Have never had fried ice cream, sure my children would love that

  18. I loved those funny photos created by putting two unrelated ones next to each other.

  19. I love that tree! Hope you have a wonderful weekend. :)

  20. I'm starting my daily photo blog and glad I've found yours! Your blog inspires me. Thank you!

  21. What a fantastic old tree, Tanya!

  22. The Cilantro Lime Chicken Fajita Salad sounds scrumptious!

  23. The tree is amazing, it looks like a bunch of a few trees.


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