
Wednesday, January 6, 2016

A House & A Church In Buchanan

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This house is getting a new chance at life! Yay!

And right next door sits this pretty little church, Buchanan Baptist Church.

Ugh, I think Buchanan wins for most obtrusive powerlines.


  1. When the work is completed that house is going to look awesome.

  2. Nice to see the house is getting some tlc.

  3. If only the power lines could be as easily hidden as they are in PhotoShop.

  4. The church looks familiar but is the house on Main Street? I am so happy you are sharing Buchanan with all of us. It deserves all the PR we can give it.

  5. They went through a period of corruption there where even the money for a new water system was delayed because of the embezzlement. The citizens are probably happy that the power lines weren't stolen as well. It is a nice town that actually moved it's primary street up the hill because the original one with all the early 1800s houses kept getting flooded.

    1. where was the original, on lowe?

    2. and crazy about the embezzlement...when we moved here in 2008 the water in buchanan was bad, they had to boil it before using...was the embezzlement around that time?

  6. Love to see older houses being renovated instead of being pulled down. It is a pretty church Tanya, as for the power lines, they're an unavoidable eyesore everywhere :)

  7. Love to see older houses being renovated instead of being pulled down. It is a pretty church Tanya, as for the power lines, they're an unavoidable eyesore everywhere :)

  8. That house is going to be amazing when they are done with it. And don't you just hate having a good view messed by those power lines???

  9. The church is a beauty. Isn't that just like power lines, to always be in inconvenient places for the photographer?

  10. a very pretty church. there's an old farmhouse near town getting rehabbed here, too. amazing amount of work involved in saving these. :)

  11. That old house will be so cool when it is done!

  12. That's a cool house - glad it's actually being renovated! The church is beautiful!

  13. I wonder if the house was the original parsonage.

  14. Love that house...would take it on in a minute! Lovely old historic church as well... Love studying and touring those! And the old attached cemeteries!

  15. Do you know what year that house was built?

    1. no i don't, i couldn't even find out when the church was built :(

  16. So glad the house gets another chance at life.

  17. Nice to see the fine house getting another lease on life. Its neighbor, the red church is a little beauty. I never get upset about power lines. Sure, if my camera can dodge them, fine, but they are an essential part of modern life, like streets and sidewalks and street signs, so if they are in the photo, that's life.


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