
Monday, January 18, 2016

Through My Lens - Mount Moriah Baptist Church

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Mount Moriah Baptist Church . 3521 East Orange Avenue . Roanoke . 24012

I thought today, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, would be a good time to show you this historical little church. Yesterday the boys and I took a short ride to go see it. It was FREEZING cold!

This little church was built in 1908 but was one of the earliest congregations for African Americans with origins as a Sunday School for slaves back in the mid 1800's.

Right Here is quite a bit of interesting info about the church on the National Historic Registration form.

While I was looking around for more info I also sadly found that this sweet little church has been vandalized quite a few times :(

Tomorrow I will show you the cemetery.

Linking with Mersad's Through My Lens


  1. How cool! Next time I am passing by I will have to take a closer look.

  2. I always love the CDP posts that are filled with history. This was great. My husband and I were in Roanoke this weekend. We got to stay in the Hotel Roanoke. I fell in love with your town.


  3. It looks like a place with a lot of character.

  4. I like to know the history of churches - so interesting!

  5. Sweet church and wonderful you tied it in with Martin Luther King Jr Day.

  6. Very sad to hear that people would vandalize a church. :( Sounds like you had a nice visit though!

  7. Oh what a wonderful historic church! How smart of you to think of posting it on MLK day! How sad though that it has been vandalized! Loved your photos.

  8. I love old country churches like this one that have such a long history. It's a shame people would want to harm a church. I love the red door....


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