
Friday, September 23, 2016

Willy Nilly Friday 5 No. 99

Sunflower Festival . Buchanan

2) I've been mia this week. Had a procedure on Monday to remove some skin cancer on my nose. Some of you might remember I had a bit scraped off the same area a few years back but it came back again so this time my dr. wanted me to have the MOHS procedure done. They got all the cancer and I have about 20 stitches next to my nose plus many more under the surface. It wasn't really painful as much as uncomfortable and I am happy that it is over. I go back on Monday to have the stitches removed although already tonight (Thursday) I am seeing much improvement already. Yay!

3) I have been laying low but tonight I did get out to see the boy's football game. Another win for Lord Botetourt: 46-0! It was nice getting out and being amongst friends!

On Saturday afternoon we went to the Greek Festival in Roanoke where I had a mighty tasty Gyro, yum!

Here's Braden making the tackle...

That's my 5 this week! I hope you will play along too! Post 5 randoms, link back and visit others! Thanks for playing and have a great weekend!


  1. Love that field of sunflowers! How is miss the changing seasons and American football!

  2. Glad your procedure is over and wishing you speedy healing. Your field of sunflowers is gorgeous. Great shot of Braden making his tackle. The Greek Festival sounds like fun.

  3. Those sunflowers brighten my day...thanks.

  4. Sounds a bit scary, cancer that is....but if the procedure finally rids you of it....that's GREAT NEWS!!

    Wow...again another wipe out score. Fantastic.

    Today, my "5" is nothing but raindrops on flowers. Sorry, I had nothing much to share.

  5. Sorry to hear about your procedure. I have had three skin cancers removed. I was a teenage sun-queen and now I am paying the price!

  6. Really hope that is the dancer gone for good, Tanya.
    Brilliant sunflowers & fantastic shot of Braden making the tackle!
    Enjoy your weekend!

  7. I am back again after a self-imposed hiatus from blogging, a failed attempt! Missed all of you too much to continue!! Sunflowers are always a mood lifter. Glad your procedure was successful!

  8. I'm glad you are healing up quickly. I've been wearing sunblock on my face for two years now and the tan is finally about gone..leaving behind all the sun damage that I didn't know was there.

  9. Gorgeous sunflowers. I need to make an appointment with my dermatologist ... always something! Glad your MOHs surgery went well. I love Greek festivals -- good food! Go Braden! Thanks so much for hosting.

  10. All those sunflowers are quite impressive. Bright and cheerful!

  11. The Mohs procedure is wonderful! I know you will heal quickly. Phil had about a quarter of his face taken off, then the whole side was pulled over. We had to go to North Carolina to do have it done. Your sunflower picture is astounding and gorgeous!!

  12. Good to know your procedure was completely successful. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Excellent sunflower shot.

  13. Glad you are recovering okay. So am I, although I had something of a meltdown yesterday from being in the house all week barely able to walk. Felt better today and got out to the store.

  14. So happy you feel like they got all the cancer this time and that your nose is healing nicely! That will be a worry GONE! Nice to get out for the game, and see a win! And that festival looks fun! Sorry I didn't participate this week...I had planned to, hoping for good news on acceptance of a house bid, but the bid was rejected and I was having emotional upheavals yesterday! So, no post. I promise I will next week, house or no house! :-) Have a great week!

  15. Good news on the health front. I hope the recovery goes smoothly.

  16. Glad you are better! You had a very sunny week I see.

  17. Glad you are better! You had a very sunny week I see.


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