
Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Confederate Cemetery

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The Confederate section at Old City Cemetery in Lynchburg. This is a beautiful old cemetery, HUGE! I wish the sun hadn't been shining directly on that sign so you could see how pretty it is!

Linking up with Tom's Tuesday's Treasures


  1. If we could put ALL the military graves together, perhaps we wouldn't be so quick to go to war. The Civil War was such a sad time in our history and the healing is yet not complete. Thank Tanya for stopping by, I hope to see you again soon.

  2. The is a sad cemetery in that many buried here did not have to die when they did.

  3. I have been to this cemetery in Lynchburg. But you picture it in a much better way. Old, beautiful, and sorrowful. Love the tree on the far left in your last picture.

  4. I really love to poke around old cemeteries!

  5. Cemeteries are fascinating places.

  6. I would sure love to visit this! I always enjoy looking at the dates on graves....

  7. Looks like a place, where I would like to be...


Hi! I'm so happy you've stopped by and always enjoy your comments :)