
Thursday, November 10, 2016

Jail, Shadows & Wrought Iron


The old jail was built in 1897...I've shown it to you a time or 2 before...maybe it looks familiar? ;)

Took this photo on Saturday when Ashlyn and I had to visit the Elections Office to get all our paperwork signed for our duties on Election Day. I wanted to walk around and snap some pictures because it was a pretty morning but Ashlyn just wanted to go home and go back to bed! She won.

Linking up with Tex's Good Fences


  1. Hello, that is a neat old jailhouse. Love the wrought iron fence.
    Happy Thursday, enjoy your day and the weekend ahead!

  2. a nicer jail photo not to be found. :)

  3. Well - at least you got this one! Looks like it was a beautiful morning!

  4. Looks small in comparison with some of the goals in the UK from round that time

  5. I thought the same as Karen! At least you managed a quick photo op to share of this fine old building & railings!

  6. Oh my goodness I wonder if this was ever a residence? It's very interesting and I'd gone inside with you in a second! Great find, you'll have to go back and check it out!

  7. Lovely lighting and shadows and historical building ~ great shot ~ thanks ~

    Wishing you a peaceful week ~ ^_^

  8. Love the shadows on the building! I have been wanting to go there, but never got around to it.

  9. A beautiful historical building. Nice light and shadows.

  10. this is one of the most attractive jails I have ever seen, I can tell the day was gorgous

  11. It's always a treat to see a good wrought iron fence.

  12. I'm glad I'm not in jail!

    That's a lovely fence. Would love to have a yard with one like that to keep doggies in.

  13. It is a nice old building, looks more like a school than a jail.

  14. Gorgeous wrought iron. I wish there were more of it around these days.

  15. Looks like it really was a nice day.

  16. I do believe I've seen this building before. It's too nice to be a jail. Sometimes photography has to take a back seat to other priorities - or so I've been told. Darn!

  17. So pretty with the tree shadows...

  18. to bad jails are needed. Love the iron fence though :)

  19. Great photo. I was aghast when they turned the old jail in Salt Lake City into a restaurant. I couldn't see myself sitting in a barred cell even with candlelight eating an expensive dinner.

  20. Such a neat building and a nice fence. I would have voted to walk around.


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