
Thursday, January 12, 2017

Bye Bye Bye

click on photo to enlarge
Nick having a snowball fight with the dogs
Ozzy "C'mon dad, throw the snowball"!

Today I am thankful for the 63 degree day we are going to have today so all this snow, although pretty while it lasted, will be nothing but a memory! Bring on spring!

Any of you singing the NSYNC song now? See what I did there? ;)

Linking up with Michelle's Thankful Thursday

Have a great day!


  1. Looks very cold - but great fun for everyone!

  2. Looks like great fun throwing snowballs. We don't have soon so there is no snow for us to enjoy.

  3. Snow much good fun! We've some forecast tonight but I don't think it will be as much as you have!

  4. Looks like fun! I like the first snow of the year, but then I'm ready for spring, too. Not a fan of winter.

  5. Some sort of boy band I guess, I try to stay away from that sort of thing. Looks like the dog is having a fun day in the snow.

  6. Funny pictures! I always have to reckon what mean your degrees, we had 51° today in Fahrenheit, 5° in Celsius. I was thankful too.

  7. Adorable! I can't wait to get outside!!

  8. LOL! If I started thinking about Spring, now, I'd be in for a big letdown in a couple of days. It's kind of warm here, right now - but not for long... I love the photo - they look like they're having fun!

  9.'s almost that warm here.

  10. That's a lot of melting in such a small time frame. We are getting spotty snow and hale right now but it doesn't really stick. It's "slippy" as the locals would say.

  11. Some of that great 60 degree weather has come up to PA. Thank goodness for that!

  12. I did start singing it! lol We are having warm temps here in KY. Almost 70 degrees today. The air conditioning even kicked on in my classroom today. That's KY weather for ya! Thanks for linking up!

  13. Hello, Ozzy is cute. he is having fun in the snow. It is like spring here in Florida. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!


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