
Thursday, February 9, 2017

Clock Tower

click on photo to enlarge

The clock tower in the background is on the Bedford Courthouse and the little building in front is part of the Bedford Historical Slave Foundation.

Today I am thankful for a few days of spring like weather with temps near 70 and I have even seen some Forsythia in bloom this week! Today though the weather dips down to 38 with a wind advisory...30 degrees less than yesterday, ugh! Oh well, at least the weekend jumps back up into the 60's again! I can hear the wind whipping around as I type this! Linking up with Michelle's Thankful Thursday


  1. Hello, the spring like weather is a good sign. Love the clock tower. Have a great day and weekend ahead.

  2. Nice composition, Tanya. It is a beautiful clock tower and I think it's about time you posted a photo of it! :))

  3. That is a beautiful clock tower even though it is not a close up photo of it. Over here the rain has stopped and the weather is getting hotter.

  4. Aren't four seasons great. Today you are thankful for spring like weather and I am thankful for a new fallen snow. Fun stuff.

  5. You caught some lovely light and shadows on this one Tanya. Pouring with rain here today and still as I type now, most unusual in summer.. climate change is alive and well!

  6. Perfectly positioned. I'm just thankful if we get a tiny bit of sunshine now and again... it's quite gloomy here :(.

  7. This is a beautiful clock tower! And I even guessed it was on a courthouse!Today I had to hold onto Phil to keep from blowing away! I just hope no power lines go down. FORSYTHIAS in bloom in Roanoke??? Now I wonder if they will bloom in the spring...

  8. Nice shot, Tanya! I love clock towers. Wow, your weather temps are crazy, one day nice and warm, the next cold and miserable.

  9. That clock tower appeals to me, Tanya!

  10. This made me smile - you're thankful for good weather and I'm thankful for bad weather! :-)

  11. Your weather sounds much like ours. Crazy! Thanks for linking up today!

  12. Beautiful photo, love the clock tower. They just don't build things like they used to! So nice to have flowers blooming! x Karen

  13. How beautiful! And I hope the weather is nice for the weekend! Hugs, Diane

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