
Monday, February 27, 2017

Oats & Berries

click on photo to enlarge

If you stopped by for Willy Nilly Friday 5 I am sorry to leave you hanging like that! I got sooo sick Wednesday night, ugh...first Braden came down with it and then this going around where you live too? It's just awful! We are both just beginning to feel better...So back to blogging :)

Linking with Monday Murals


  1. Sorry to hear your came down with the flu. It sure is going around, and at our house as well. Hope you and everyone in your household is recovered.

  2. Glad you're feeling better. We're fortunate in the we both get flu shots and we're not often around kiddos who pick up all these weird bugs and spread them generously around to family and friends! :)

  3. Glad you're on the mend - my youngest has been ill all weekend and needed an antibiotic.
    I am drawn to the reds in your photo - very nice!

  4. Beautiful in colors...
    Get well soon

  5. I came down with a chest congestion/cough in early January and it went away and then came back. The second round wasn't as bad as the first, but it has been a long road to wellness. Hope you feel better soon. Love this photo.

  6. I am so sorry! I hope you will bounce back quickly. VERY clever title! I see both oats AND berries! LOVE this shot. YES, people are so sick around here, lots of stuff going around. Phil and I are just recovering from something, and I was on antibiotics for a week.

  7. I am sorry to hear you guys have been so sick. Please take care and feel better soon.
    I love this creative photo.

  8. Hope you are feeling better. Nice image Tanya!

  9. Glad you're feeling better, so sorry you had to deal with that!

  10. Good title there ☺ Sorry to hear you guys haven't been well Tanya, take care.

  11. Your title sent me looking for the berries. Found them! Hope you feel better soon. Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.


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