
Thursday, March 2, 2017

A Tangled Mess

click on photo to enlarge
Blue Ridge Turnpike . Botetourt County

Is it too much to expect someone to come out and clean this mess up so I can get a proper picture from the side of the road? ;) Do you think the land owner would object if I show up with a chainsaw and just start cutting? :) I want a better view of these old buildings, how selfish!!

Today I am thankful that the storms that blew through here yesterday weren't any worse! Schools were dismissed 2 hours early in anticipation of a lot more going on I think. Click Here to see a few pictures of the storm damage from around the area...I think the photo of the donkeys looking at their barn damage is so cute! Linking up with Michelle's Thankful Thursday


  1. I think the tangles add to the photo...very artsy! Glad you didn't get damage at your house. It's early for this bad Spring storms...I hate them! Hugs!

  2. Nah, leave the tangles. Pretty soon they'll be all green and filled with leaves and then you can go around then and shoot the house.

  3. ...nature is reclaiming the area.

  4. Those tangles do make for a more interesting photo, I think.

  5. Hello, I am glad the storms did not do any damage. The news does make them sound scary. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day and the weekend ahead!

  6. We did get WIND, didn't we? Such damage! And it seemed to be in isolated patches. I hate it when people let their property get like this! There is a law that yards have to be moved every six months, or something like that. But no such restrictions on brambles and branches! YUCK.

  7. The buildings make a good photo op. I imagine the property owner would welcome your help! lol
    Thankful you are safe from the storms.
    Have a lovely evening.

  8. These are some good buildings! Same situation around here, though. Much land, and some buildings, are not taken care of. Thanks for linking up today!

  9. I would like a better view, too!

  10. That's very cool! I love the rust through the branches!

  11. I like that picture! What a lovely blog you have!
    Love from Titti


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